Sunday, April 30, 2006


Foundational Tenets

Foundational Tenets

1) The human nervous system innately is tuned towards survival of the organism. This survival tendency manifests itself as the development and continuance of efficient use of energy for all its processes, metabolic/physiological processes. These processes and pathways are directed on input (sensory) side of the system. Conservation of energy and the efficient use of that energy towards expression of optimal potential in life.

2) Lack of proper proprioception leads to aberrant local and global movement patterns (dysponesis)

a) Improper sensory integration leads to inefficient/ imbalanced efferent yield, local/global efferent dysfunction, disability, disease states, symptoms and loss of human potential
b) Aberrant local and global movement patterns habituate (pathological neuro-plascity) unless adjusted, attenuated and eliminated from the input side. Physiological filtering and integration through the thalamus.
3) The top two dominant reflexes in the hierarchy of adult human survival are the Breathing Reflex and the Righting Reflex.

a) The two most important reflexes that can be observed (for function) and corrected are the Breathing Reflex and the righting Reflex.
b) If the Breathing Reflex or the Righting Reflex are not corrected properly all other input/out put system adjustments (chiropractic adjustments, physical rehabilitation, diet therapy, psychological therapy) become less effective at best and iatrogenic at worse.
c) The Righting Reflex is expressed not only in static balance but also more importantly through dynamic equilibrium and coordinated movement patterns. Dynamic equilibrium place more stress on the system than simple standing balance and thus can be used as a superior subluxation assessment tool.
d) Dynamic equilibrium, because it places a large stress on the nervous system, reveals rapid changes to correction and or impairment forces. Immediate correction can be noted by the chiropractor.
e) Inefficient breathing patterns shift the nervous system to a negative state of utilizing all conserved energy for appropriate oxygen exchange. The Breathing Reflex is the driving reflex of all physiological processes. It is the first step and the controlling factor to all physiological process

Developmental Neurology

Proprioception and Central Pattern Generators tends develop centrally (towards center of mass first), light touch (dermatomal) develops distal first.

Subluxation Definitions and Concepts


Your understanding of the subluxation guides the doctor’s ability to correct the subluxation

1) Information regarding joint movement and joint position provided by mechanoreceptors in the skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints combine with input from the Vestibular and Visual Systems to maintain balance and generate appropriate movement patterns

2) Ineffective and inefficient neurological input or improper processing of that input at the spinal, brain stem or cognitive centers can lead to an inadequate response by motor system resulting in dysfunctional movement patterns and dysfunctional physiological processes. The physical entity (that can be assessed and corrected) that causes ineffective and inefficient neurological input or improper sensory input is called the chiropractic subluxation complex.

Dynamic Equilibrium

The constant cycle of interpreting sensory input and directly coordinating efficient output that controls the righting reflex

Chiropractic Reality

Proprioception generated within joints, ligaments and muscles contributes to awareness of the relative orientation of functional units of the spine (and other articulations) at rest and in motion. This is FUNDAMENTAL to posture, station, balance, dynamic equilibrium & all movements. Treatment aimed at physiological Proprioceptive re-education is the only CORRECTIVE technique.

Chiropractic Assessment

1) Breathing initiates at the pelvis (Initiation not amplitude is the analytical focus)
2) The Respiratory Wave moves smoothly towards the neck.
a) Fast from SI to T/L junction
b) Slow through rib cage
c) Fast to the Neck
d) Respiratory wave then changes direction & moves inferior
3) Ratchety movements are a sign of compensation (secondary subluxations- which may or may not require adjustment)
4) Full blocks in the Normal Respiratory Wave Pattern are a sign of subluxation
5) Reversal in patterns (initiation at chest) are a sign of subluxation

Gait Assessment

1) Law of Conservation of Energy
2) Momentum/Elastic Recoil
3) Lateral Shift Compensation
4) Upper Extremity Swing controls upper torso and center of mass shift
5) All movements blocks have to be compensated by hypermobility on the opposite of the spinal axis All heel strikes force must be attenuated by the time the force reaches the

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