Thursday, December 30, 2010


Our World

"Our innate perception that the world is three-dimensional could be an extraordinary illusion . . . results suggest that our universe, which we perceive to have three spatial dimensions, might instead be "written" on a two-dimensional surface, like a hologram. Our everyday perceptions of the world as three-dimensional would then be either a profound illusion or merely one of two alternative ways of viewing reality . . ."- from "Information In the Holographic Universe" by Jacob D. Bekenstein,Scientific American, August 2003


The average person is unaware

"The average person is unaware that he or she is living out a negative destiny according to his or her past (childhood) programming, preserving his or her familiar identity, and, in the process, pushing love away. On an unconscious level, many people sense that if they did not push love away, the whole world, as they have experienced it, would be shattered and they would not know who they were."- Robert W. Firestone and Joyce Catlett

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


BiPolar and Depression

Inefficient Disorganized Programs Caused by Dysponesis

As information coming into the thalamus and other subcortical structures is selected (because of its priority) for programming, inefficiencies and processing errors can develop secondary to the tonal subluxation complex (afferentation that leads to inefficient CNS processing) . Processing errors constituting dysponesis can interfere with CNS performance by disrupting orderly patterns of neuronal discharge in various thalamo-cortical circuits. The nature of the neuronal disorganization is determined by the amount of neurophysiological partitioning and neuroplasticity in the circuit. The circuit activity already present when the dysponetic signals arrive and the presence of fatigue in some of the neurons composing a complex circuit are acquired characteristics that also perform a role in the quantity and form of disorganization actualized.

Inefficient processing at the CNS level due to subluxations can operate to the organism’s detriment by failing to activate mechanisms that would be of assistance to the organism in a given situation. Dysponetic activity produces its detrimental effects on the organism by means of excitatory and inhibitory influences that interfere with efficient circuit (program) activity and thus various physiological functions of the organism. The chiropractor’s greatest intervention is to access the CNS and reduce inefficient processing.

Neocortical and limbic disorganization and inefficiency with consequential dysponetic processing are capable of producing syndromes in some individuals that are similar to schizophrenic episodes and manic-depressive states.


Tonal chiropractic techniques

Although there are many risk factors (such as age, family history, and obesity) associated with the development of osteoarthritis (OA), only trauma is known to cause OA. The neuromuscular system, through CNS-controlled afferent-efferent programs, controls the amount and kind of movement occurring at a joint, so it is this system that is ultimately responsible for ensuring that joint tissues are not damaged to the point of developing OA during normal day-to-day activities. Tonal chiropractic techniques concern themselves with influencing the controlling systems of the body.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Myogenic Theory of Myocardial Infarction

Myogenic Theory of Myocardial Infarction

For many years, the accepted theory on the cause of heart attacks or myocardial infarctions (MIs) has been the Coronary Blockage Theory.

This theory states that a heart attack is the result of a lack of blood supply to the heart cells from the network of arteries that supply the myocardial (heart) tissue. There are four main arteries. Each supplies blood to a different region of the heart.

Medical experts believe that when one or more of these arteries gets blocked with atherosclerotic plaque, the blood flow is compromised and, in times of heart stress (such as during exercise or emotional trauma), the insufficient blood flow causes damage to the particular region of the heart fed by the blocked artery.

Interestingly, in the 1940s and 1950s, when the coronary blockage theory was first proposed, the majority of cardiologists did not accept it. They pointed out that while coronary arteries are not the only arteries to have plaque, they are the only tissue to suffer from decreased blood flow during a myocardial infarction. There are no reports of a spleen attack or a kidney attack, yet the arteries feeding these organs also get plaque buildup.

Recent research has suggested a different theory of heart failure, and it is strongly supportive of what experts know about death from coronary disease. This new theory is called the Myogenic Theory of Myocardial Infarction.

Briefly, the Myogenic Theory of Myocardial Infarction states that the major etiologic (cause and effect) factor in a heart attack is not a blockage, but a destructive chemical process within the heart muscle itself.

Specifically, in situations of stress on the myocardial (heart muscle) tissue, the heart cells, which are very active metabolically, suffer from inadequate oxygen and nutrient supply. This lack of oxygen and nutrients occurs as a result of the failure of smaller vessels supplying the heart. These capillaries and arterioles are compromised by various factors, and in turn compromise the supply of nutrition and oxygen to the heart.

When this happens, the heart cells revert to their backup system for nutrients and energy, which is a process called anaerobic fermentation.

You may be familiar with this process if you exercise regularly. It's what happens in your leg muscles when you run too far or too hard. The anaerobic fermentation produces lactic acid which collects in the muscle tissues. Resting your leg muscles allows the lactic acid to be metabolized, and the pain and stiffness eventually go away.

But the heart, unlike your leg muscles, cannot rest, and the lactic acid builds up in the heart muscle. If this acidic condition is left untreated, it leads to the death of the heart cells, and a heart attack ensues.

This theory was developed by a Brazilian cardiologist, Quintilaino H. de Mesquita, who passed away several years ago. His son in law, Carlos Monteiro, is carrying on his father-in-law's work and has gathered information about the work on the Infarct Combat Project website.
Dr. Thomas Cowan, a physician in private practice in San Francisco has been working with Mr. Monteiro, and has written about this theory extensively.

Dr. Cowan states:

"The myogenic theory points us to a very different kind of preventive treatment for heart disease, one that focuses on small vessel disease and the prevention of heart tissue acidosis.
The theory also explains why stress, diabetes and smoking are such strong risk factors for myocardial infarction, because these factors have all been shown to primarily affect small capillaries and small blood vessels, not the large coronary arteries. But the story gets even more interesting.

It turns out that there are simple, inexpensive and very effective compounds that effectively prevent lactic acidosis in the heart tissues. These medicines have been known for centuries as cardiotonics and have been used for treating heart disease in every traditional medical system in the world.

The two best known are digitalis (the common foxglove) and strophanthus, an African vine. These plants are the source of so-called cardiac glycosides: digoxin and digitoxin from digitalis, and ouabain from strophanthus. The function of these compounds is to regulate the rhythm and power of the cardiac contraction and to prevent or reverse lactic acid buildup in the cardiac tissue. This is why these plants have been used for centuries to treat congestive heart failure, rhythm disturbances and other disorders of heart function.

The amazing thing is that these compounds are exact chemical copies of hormones made by our adrenal glands. And our adrenal glands produce these cardiotonics out of...cholesterol!
Now we know why all the draconian dietary and pharmaceutical measures to lower cholesterol have not resulted in a decrease in the rates of myocardial infarction, and why numerous studies have shown that as we age, those with the highest levels of cholesterol live the longest.
When we lower cholesterol, we are depriving our bodies of the very substance they need to manufacture cardiotonics."


Chiropractic and Wellness Care in MN

Chiropractic and Wellness Care in MN

Chiropractic and Wellness care in Minnesota is what Advanced Injury Rehabilitation takes pride in providing for their patients. It is our goal to provide a comprehensive clinic that encompasses many specialized areas of healthcare. Started by Dr. Fred Clary, D.C., D.I.B.C.N. in 1997, Advanced Injury Rehabilitation is committed to providing, not only top notch chiropractic adjustments, but also providing education and wellness learning. Advanced Injury Rehabilitation has patients of all types, from infants to senior citizens, from professional athletes to sandlot sluggers, from cerebral palsy suffers to totally healthy individuals looking to maintain their health. Dr. Fred Clary has built a chiropractic and wellness clinic that is second to none in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Minnesota. Practicing chiropractic with Dr. Clary are Dr. Heather Ingbretson DC. We look forward to helping you achieve you lifelong health and wellness goals. Call Advanced Injury Rehabilitation today at 651-487-5950 to schedule and appointment.

Mission Statement

To increase understanding of the potential for health and wellness in all people, from newborns to our senior citizens. To establish a center for clinical excellence by raising the standard of health care delivery.

The purpose of Advanced Injury Rehabilitation is to bring a new level of gentle, caring and effective chiropractic treatment affordably and at a convenient location. We strive to have a warm, caring atmosphere where everyone is welcome, understands their condition and is comfortable with their health care options.


Innate Intelligence Does Not Produce Pathology

The traditional segmental / postural chiropractic subluxation model has many shortcomings. True human in vivo studies have not been performed. It also has at its foundation the ontological belief that there is an inherent physiological weakness in the protection of the vertebra nervous system after 530 million years of vertebrate adaptation, modification, evolution and survival.

Many studies demonstrate conclusively that the subluxation of a vertebra as defined by chiropractic-the exertion of pressure on a spinal nerve which by interfering with the planned expression of Innate Intelligence produces pathology-does not occur. This is what should be expected when one recognizes that the vertebral column has been evolving for over 530 million years to support the body and protect the central nervous system.

By a process of natural selection the vertebral column of mammals has evolved into one in which the articulations allow an overall range of motion so that individuals may perform suitably for survival, propagation and success within their environment. At the same time the selective process has favored vertebral columns that have spacious intervertebral foramina in combination with the barest minimum of displacement between adjacent vertebrae-two factors that preclude impingement upon the spinal nerves as they pass through the foramina.
The elusive misplaced vertebra as THE cause of illness remains a puzzle. Of course I am not discussing a large HNP that is extruded, visibly abutting and compressing the nerve root. But the old Parker chart of the squished nerve root exiting the IVF does not pass the logic test if one understands that the human body, through the nervous system, is a self-regulating, self-adapting machine that has constantly adapted to the external and internal environment 24/7 for the last 6.2 million years. Then the mechanical occlusion theory/segmental fixation model (traditional subluxation model used by many segmental and postural chiropractic technique chiropractors) of the VSC cannot be the complete picture; it implies an inefficiency that does not have a survival value. Evolution and efficiency are ignored.

The traditional segmental / postural VSC model as discussed above works very well for traumatically injured segments. For acute conditions, truly, any current model of VSC will work. Analysis, diagnosis and treatment of the local injured are (segmental approach) or even the region of the injured area (postural approach) will help stop the bleeding, inflammation and encourage healing. But I believe the challenge to the traditional subluxation theory is the concept that the nervous system will not try to heal and “reduce” the traumatically induced subluxation complex. Chiropractors harp that the human body is a self-regulating , self- healing machine and that the power that made the body can heal the body except of course for subluxations…If every bump or bruise or even moderate injury leads to the harmful subluxation with decisive subluxation degeneration, most children or adolescents would be an arthritic mess by age twenty.


CNS Efficiency Model of the Chiropractic Subluxation

The CNS Efficiency Model of the Chiropractic Subluxation Theory

Chiropractic traditionally uses static structure to diagnose dynamic functional loss. Segmental and Postural Chiropractic techniques presuppose that structural correction (by our imposed standards) will lead to functional improvement. The overriding belief is poor structure leads to poor function. Yet everyday we see cases that defy this underlying belief. Clinical cases were dysfunction and pain are not in doubt but the structure is grossly normal. Also everyday we see cases were structure, as verified by MR and other objective tests, is grossly abnormal yet the functional performance of the individual is above what would be considered normal for normal structure.

Does structure determine function or does function determine structure, or does each determine the other, and if the latter, how can it be? The answers to these questions seem to be matters of definition, personal paradigm and recognition of the driving purpose of the natural order.

In the inorganic world, structure may be regarded merely as a mechanical collocation of parts in a whole. But in the biological world, structure is a mechanical collocation of parts adapted to an end.

One cannot argue that “structure leads to function” is a popular belief yet when evolutionary forces are considered one is drawn to concepts such as Wolff’s Law: Function precedes structure. A look at biology gives the clinician a unique understanding. That understanding is that efficient function and behavior in the external environment leads to adaptable structure through natural selection. Saving and economic use of resources drives the individual and the species. Efficient function with available finite resources determines the survival of an individual. With enough time and offspring, structure adapts to save resources and energy. What can be said definitively is that structure and function are interdependent with the biologic drive of survival being efficient utilization of available resources.

Another Model of the VSC

The brain seems to be run by a program that says, “Do it in the most efficient way.” In all of its functions, the brain seeks optimum metabolic (energy) efficiency, or the path of least resistance. If one particular function is not accessible, the brain will automatically go on to the next most efficient process for doing that particular task. If the second task is not available, it will go on to the third or the fourth most efficient way. Because each alternative process is less efficient, it becomes more stressful and energy expensive.

The brain will keep searching for an appropriate processing method, until eventually the activity may become so metabolically inefficient that the brain will either strengthen the program to make it more efficient through neuroplasticity or not run the program at all. The individual will decrease the energy partitioning to that process, making this activity minimized or force the program to be more efficient. Disease and dysfunction depend on whether the strengthened program is physiological or pathological. If the program is not run, there could still be symptoms if the minimized program is physiological. It all depends on where the process is located in the physiological hierarchy.

A chiropractic subluxation is interference in the CNS summation, filtering and integration of sensory input leading to an inefficient output. The main challenge is the processing component.

The reason an adjustment is effective in the treatment of disease and dysfunction is due to the extensive network of connections possessed by the neuronal clusters in the composite thalamus and cortical maps representing and interacting with the chiropractic listing (the adjustable areas of the spine) in the periphery. This afferent information from the chiropractic adjustment gives the CNS just the right recipe to formulate and process more functional efficient local and global outputs

We now understand the biophysical, energy constraints and energy efficiency impulses that have governed the evolution of thalamo-cortical networks. To operate efficiently within these constraints, natural selection has optimized the structure and function of CNS networks with design principles similar to those used in electronic networks. The brain also exploits the adaptability of biological systems to reconfigure (neuroplasticity) in response to changing needs caused by the internal and external environment.

Shifts in neuronmodulation such as caused by chiropractic adjustments, exercise, yoga, positive mediation and diet or any other systematic constant afferent input help assure a favorable balance in the CNS of performance (processing, integration, summary and filtering) and metabolic efficiency.

In the subluxated patient, the brain is not processing or organizing the flow of sensory impulses in a manner that gives the individual good, precise information about himself or his world. Thus any efferent output will be inefficient and lead to eventual dysfunction and limitation.

The chiropractic subluxation is stress to the system that causes inefficient processing that leads to long-term pathology.

The human brain is an expensive tissue whose evolution, development and function have been shaped by available metabolic energy within and without neurons. The human nervous system is innately tuned towards survival of the organism. This survival tendency manifests itself as the development and continuance of efficient use of energy for all its processes.

This survival tendency, or drive, is for the conservation of energy and efficient use of that energy towards expression of optimal potential in life. These processes and pathways are directed on the input (sensory) side of the system. Chiropractic should address conservation of energy and the efficient use of that energy towards expression of optimal potential in life. Chiropractic should not ignore the 400 million year history of the evolution and development of the vertebrae brain. Working in synergy with this reality leads to incredible clinical results

Dr. Fred Clary
1752 Lexington Ave
Roseville, MN 55113


energy efficiency of neural communication and neural processing

The central theory of biology is evolution through natural selection. Frankly, if we assume a stationary environment, natural selection improves the ability of an average organism to reproduce fertile offspring. But the internal and external environment is certainly not stationary. Since internal and external resources are limited and finite, organisms evolve as compromises. Most of these compromises can be expressed in terms of energy efficiency. Consequently we arrive at the notion of natural selection as an energy efficiency optimization process. These plastic changes have to happen at the microscopic cellular level (DNA expression) and globally in neural connections and signaling.

Since the CNS controls and regulates all physiological process of the human body, these optimizations must occur at the microscopic cellular level in the nervous system first.

All these changes can be explained by considering the process of energy efficiency of neural communication and neural processing. Energy (available ATP) is finite. It is reasonable to assume that the limiting factor for this energy efficiency optimization process is the use of available ATP and other resources needed by the neuron to process and communicate information. Thus, to optimize neurological programs, the CNS will shunt and mobilize ATP (and other energy resources such as lactate) to the areas of greatest physiological need in the CNS. Or the CNS will ‘turn off’ or mute metabolically expensive processing programs. This is neurophysiological partitioning.

Immediate energy-efficient processing of information can explain seemingly isolated physiological processes. The energy used for signaling (communication & processing) constrains the flow of information within cells and between cells and regions in the CNS.




1) Seven Thoughts to Becoming a Bigger, Better, Winner

a) You are the major key to your better future

b) The pain of your discipline weighs ounces and the pain of your regret weighs tons

c) Don’t wish for things to get easier, wish to be better and stronger

d) It’s not what you accomplish that matters, it’s what you overcome and become

e) Those who are afraid to risk failure will never enjoy success

f) When you argue for your own limitations, then sure enough, they are your own

g) Strong reasons create, strong actions!

2) Two Steps to Changing Your Life

a) Renew your thoughts and perceptions on life and your future

b) Renew the image you hold of yourself






Personal Attitudes

1) Personal Attitudes: Your attitude reveals 3 things about you:

a) How you feel about the past

i) Let you past serve you, not rule you!

b) How I feel about my future

i) Let your future pull you, not scare you!

c) How we feel about each other

i) Our society, our family, our friends!




Monday, December 27, 2010


What is Hyperventilation Syndrome?

Hyperventilation Syndrome is dysfunction of the bodies most important function, breathing. When breathing does not work efficiently it causes the following physiology:
• A decrease in the blood flow to the brain.
• The decreased blood flow causes decreased oxygen for the brain, resulting in the potential of bizarre symptoms referable to any organ system.

The organ systems and symptoms involved is dependant on the severity of Hyperventilation Syndrome for that individual. The following is a list of the systems and symptoms of Hyperventilation Syndrome which affects both men and women.

General: Fatigue, Weakness, Exhaustion, Irritability
Cardiovascular: Palpitations, Tachycardia, Chest Pain, Raynaud’s Phenomenon
Neurologic: Dizziness, Lightheadedness, Numbness and Tingling of the Extremities, Migraine Headaches, Disturbance of Consciousness or Vision
Respiratory: Shortness of Breath, Breathlessness Chest Pain, Dryness of Mouth, Yawning
Gastrointestinal: Globus Hystericus, Epigastric Pain, Aerophagia, Bloating
Musculoskeletal: Muscle Pains and Cramps, Tremors, Stiffness,
Psychologic: Tension, Anxiety, Insomnia, Nightmares, Nervousness, Sweating

Diagnosis of Hyperventilation Syndrome

Hyperventilation Syndrome is often under diagnosed by most Doctors because most Doctors are not trained in its recognition. After numerous physicians have been seen and multiple diagnostic tests (MRI, blood work, x-rays, etc.) have been done, which have excluded organic disorders, such patients are often dismissed as having nothing wrong with them or misdiagnosed as having severe neurosis, anxiety, depression, hypochondriasis or hysteria, despite the persistence of symptoms that may be disabling in their work and other aspects of their everyday living. Ultimately, patients fail to obtain a satisfactory explanation or relief from their symptoms.

“Hyperventilation Syndrome may present with bizarre symptoms referable to any organ system and the breathing pattern may not be grossly abnormal, only slight inefficiencies in breathing may be present. The recognition, diagnosis, and correction of Hyperventilation Syndrome are the key to helping these patients.”

George Adam, M.D. – Medical Neurologist

Functional Analysis Chiropractic Technique and Correction of Hyperventilation Syndrome

Dr. Fred Clary and Dr. Matt Hasty use a chiropractic spinal analysis and adjusting technique called Functional Analysis Technique. This is a tonal chiropractic technique that focuses on detecting and correcting breathing inefficiency, i.e. Hyperventilation Syndrome. Dr. Clary is the originator of the Functional Analysis Technique.

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