Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Innate Intelligence Does Not Produce Pathology

The traditional segmental / postural chiropractic subluxation model has many shortcomings. True human in vivo studies have not been performed. It also has at its foundation the ontological belief that there is an inherent physiological weakness in the protection of the vertebra nervous system after 530 million years of vertebrate adaptation, modification, evolution and survival.

Many studies demonstrate conclusively that the subluxation of a vertebra as defined by chiropractic-the exertion of pressure on a spinal nerve which by interfering with the planned expression of Innate Intelligence produces pathology-does not occur. This is what should be expected when one recognizes that the vertebral column has been evolving for over 530 million years to support the body and protect the central nervous system.

By a process of natural selection the vertebral column of mammals has evolved into one in which the articulations allow an overall range of motion so that individuals may perform suitably for survival, propagation and success within their environment. At the same time the selective process has favored vertebral columns that have spacious intervertebral foramina in combination with the barest minimum of displacement between adjacent vertebrae-two factors that preclude impingement upon the spinal nerves as they pass through the foramina.
The elusive misplaced vertebra as THE cause of illness remains a puzzle. Of course I am not discussing a large HNP that is extruded, visibly abutting and compressing the nerve root. But the old Parker chart of the squished nerve root exiting the IVF does not pass the logic test if one understands that the human body, through the nervous system, is a self-regulating, self-adapting machine that has constantly adapted to the external and internal environment 24/7 for the last 6.2 million years. Then the mechanical occlusion theory/segmental fixation model (traditional subluxation model used by many segmental and postural chiropractic technique chiropractors) of the VSC cannot be the complete picture; it implies an inefficiency that does not have a survival value. Evolution and efficiency are ignored.

The traditional segmental / postural VSC model as discussed above works very well for traumatically injured segments. For acute conditions, truly, any current model of VSC will work. Analysis, diagnosis and treatment of the local injured are (segmental approach) or even the region of the injured area (postural approach) will help stop the bleeding, inflammation and encourage healing. But I believe the challenge to the traditional subluxation theory is the concept that the nervous system will not try to heal and “reduce” the traumatically induced subluxation complex. Chiropractors harp that the human body is a self-regulating , self- healing machine and that the power that made the body can heal the body except of course for subluxations…If every bump or bruise or even moderate injury leads to the harmful subluxation with decisive subluxation degeneration, most children or adolescents would be an arthritic mess by age twenty.

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