Monday, May 08, 2006
Chiropractic Subluxations
Chiropractic Subluxations are like short-circuits within the body’s communication/nerve network. They are produced when a physical, chemical, or emotional stress occurs to or within the body that the nervous system cannot adapt to, at any given moment. Physical and postural adaptations result and produce the inefficiency and dysfunction in ones Breathing Patterns, Ability to walk or run. This “interference “ in function can lead to pain, stress, many dis-eases and a decreased enjoyment of life.
This alteration of nerve system function results in poor communication between your brain and your body and your body and your brain, which is not healthy. These subluxations can either be subtle (pain free) or not, as well as noticed or not.
This alteration of nerve system function results in poor communication between your brain and your body and your body and your brain, which is not healthy. These subluxations can either be subtle (pain free) or not, as well as noticed or not.