Sunday, June 04, 2006
Austism, Learning Disabilities
Peer Reviewed Journals:
1) Blocked atlantal nerve syndrome in infants and small children. Gutman G. ICA Review, 1990; July:37-42. Originally published in German Manuelle Medizin (1987) 25:5-10.
From the abstract:
Three case reports are reviewed to illustrate a syndrome that has so far received far too little attention, which is caused and perpetuated in babies and infants by blocked nerve impulses at the atlas. Included in the clinical picture are lowered resistance to infections, especially to ear-, nose-, and throat infections, two cases of insomnia, two cases of cranial bone asymmetry, and one case each of torticollis, retarded locomotor development, retarded linguistic development, conjunctivitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis, earache, extreme neck sensitivity, incipient scoliosis, delayed hip development, and seizures.
2) Learning difficulties of children viewed in the light of osteopathic concept. Frymann V (1988). In: Retalaff EW, Mitchell Fl Jr. (Eds). The cranium and its sutures, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, NY, pp.27-47.
3) The relationship of craniosacral examination findings in grade school children with developmental problems. Upledger JE, J Am Osteopath Assoc. 1978 (Jun);77 (10):760-776
4) Osteopathic management of psychosomatic problems. Dunn, FE. JAOA, Vol. 48 No. 4 Neuropsychiatric Supplement Vol. 2 No. 1 Dec. 1948.
There is a relationship between structure and mental states and patient management.
5) Osteopathic concepts in psychiatry. Dunn FE JAOA, March 1950.
A table describing the lesion (subluxation) frequency in schizophrenia is included. Patient management is discussed.
6) A pilot study of applied kinesiology in helping children with learning disabilities. Mathews MO, Thomas E, British Osteopathic Journal Vol. X11 1993.
IQ scores improved and learning disabilities lessened. The British Osteopaths used applied kinesiology and Neural Organization Technique (NOT) developed by Carl Ferrari, D.C.
7) The effect of chiropractic adjustments on the behavior of autistic children; a case review. Sandeful, R, Adams E. ACA Journal of Chiropractic, Dec 21:5, 1987.