Sunday, June 04, 2006


Chiro & Autism...No Drugs...NO SIDE EFFECTS!

Case report: autism and chronic otitis media. Warner SP and Warner TM. Today's Chiropractic. May/June 1999.

2) Case Study - Autism. Rubinstein, HM, Chiropractic Pediatrics Vol. 1 No. 1, April 1994

3) The effects of chiropractic treatment on students with learning and behavioral impairments due to neurological dysfunction. Walton EV. Int Rev of Chiro 1975;29:4-5,24-26.

4) Developmental Communication Disorder. Subluxation location and correction Stephen R. Goldman, D.C. Today's Chiropractic July/August 1995 p.70-74.

5) Autism, Asthma, Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), strabismus and illness susceptibility: a case study in chiropractic management. Amalu WC. Todays Chiropractic. September/October 1998. Pp. 32-47.

6) Subluxation location and correction by Stephen R. Goldman, D.C. Today's Chiropractic July/August 1995 p.70-74. Case Study No. 4:

Additional Articles:

1) An analysis of 350 emotionally maladjusted individuals under chiropractic care. Hartmann GW, Schwartz HS. NCA Journal of Chiropractic, Nov. 1949.

2) Relations of disturbances of cranio-sacral mechanisms to symptomatology of the newborn. Fryman V. JAOA. 1966;65:1059

3) Post-traumatic evaluation and treatment of the pediatric patient with head injury: a case report. Araghi HJ. Proceedings of the National Conference on Chiropractic and Pediatrics, 1992:1-8.

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