Sunday, June 04, 2006


A Quick Look At Autism

National Press about theVaccine/ Autism Connection:

These recent articles in Washington Times reveal a very interesting hypothesis. Author, Dan Olmsted writes: "Since the Amish have been cut off for hundreds of years from American culture and scientific progress, the Amish may have had less exposure to some new factor triggering autism in the rest of population. The likely culprit: vaccines.

Traveling to the heart of Pennsylvania Dutch country in search of autistic Amish children, the reporter, based on national statistics, should have found as many as 200 children with autism in the community -- instead, he found only three, the oldest age 9 or 10.

The first autistic Amish child was a girl who had been brought over from China, adopted by one family only to be given up after becoming overwhelmed by her autism, and then re-adopted by an Amish Mennonite family. (China, India and Indonesia are among countries moving fast to mass-vaccination programs.)

The second autistic Amish child definitely had received a vaccination and developed autism shortly thereafter.

The reporter was unable to determine the vaccination status of the third child.

Read the articles here: and here:

The Medical Debate:
This link leads you to an informative letter from one MD to another about the connection between vaccines and autism.

Video on Autism:

The autism mailing group recently sent out this link:
It is a one hour video from the DAN conference, about kids on the autistic spectrum who have recovered through the use of nutritional intervention. The interesting thing is that a lot of these kids became "autistic" after vaccination. Some really interesting footage. And a fantastic shot of the audience responding to Gov. Schwarzenager signing a bill to forbid the use of mercury in vaccinations. The speaker has all parents in the audience stand and wave their hands if they thought their child would not be autistic if not for their vaccination.

RFK, Jr on Autism:
Recent press has been focusing on an article written by RFK, Jr on the effects of thimerosal in vaccines and the vaccine connection.
Read the article here:
Read his complete text on the subject here:

Increase in Autism Baffles Scientists

October 18, 2002 ~ Authors of California study say they cannot explain reasons for what they call epidemic of childhood autism in state; mysterious brain disorder affects person's ability to form relationships and to behave normally in everyday life; study discounts genetics, birth injuries and childhood immunizations as factors in tripling of autism cases from 1987 to 1998; Dr Catherine Lord, leading authority on autism, says it is unclear whether California findings apply to other states; federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is working in 13 states to look at apparent increase in autism cases; there is no reliable count nationwide so far, since criteria and reporting practices vary from state to state.The full article is available for a fee from the New York Times.

MMR/ Austism Link -- New Research

Ever since Andrew Wakefield's work on the MMR Vaccine and Autism came out there has been multiple papers, comments and disputes about its validity. Search for collection of previous studies

Now a new study adds additional reason to believe there is a a direct correlation between the two.

This news article sums it up well. New Research Suggests Autism Link to MMR

Here is Singh's abstract on: Abnormal Measles-Mumps-Rubella Antibodies and CNSAutoimmunity in Children with Autism Read the abstract in PubMed

“The Status of Research into Vaccine Safety and Autism"

Washington, D.C. - On June 19, 2002, at 11:00 a.m., in Room 2154 of the Rayburn House Office Building, the Committee on Government Reform, chaired by Congressman Dan Burton (R-IN), will conduct a hearing to evaluate the status of research concerning the possible relationship between vaccines and neurological disorders, including autism. Ten years ago, autism was estimated to affect 1 in 10,000 children. According to the National Institutes of Health, it is now anticipated to affect 1 in 250 children.Read the Report

New Study Supports Link Between MMR Vaccine and Autism

The newest research on the vaccine-autism relationship has just come out showing a link between mercury in vaccines and autism when there is genetic predisposition.The measles virus was detected in spinal fluid of children with autism, but not in controls.The findings challenge the results of several large studies on autism and bolster the fears of parents who have long believed their children were harmed by the vaccines.,1,5059086.story?coll=la-news-science

Prenatal Risk Factors for Infantile Autism

The following study, "Prenatal risk factors for infantile autism", poses an interesting correlation between infantile autism and intrauterine growth restriction. Reuter's article begins, "Intrauterine and neonatal factors related to restricted intrauterine growth or fetal distress may be associated with the development of autism, according to a report in the July issue of Epidemiology.
In a case-control study nested within a population-based cohort, Dr. Christina M. Hultman, of the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, and colleagues examined various maternal characteristics and pregnancy outcomes among 408 children diagnosed with infantile autism before 10 years of age and 2040 matched controls." And concludes with . "Although several of the reported associations could be a function of genetic risk in the fetus, several of the findings are consistent with nongenetic environmental mediation of risks." (Read the complete article)

The chiropractic correlation here comes in the conclusion drawn by the authors: "Our findings suggest that intrauterine and neonatal factors related to deviant intrauterine growth or fetal distress are important in the pathogenesis of autism."

Intrauterine constraint can lead to deviant growth and fetal distress. 1,2 This new study isjust one more reason why removing constraint to the woman's uterus throughout pregnancy leads to easier, safer births for both the mother and baby.

Specific chiropractic care balances pelvic muscles and ligaments and removes constraint to the woman's uterus. 3 When we understand the physiological relationship between the woman's uterus and the developing baby, it is clear to see that specific chiropractic adjustments throughout pregnancy can decrease the potential of deviant intrauterine growth and/ or fetal distress. 4

1.Hellstrom B, Sallmander U "Prevention of Spinal Cord Injury in Hyperextension of the Fetal Head" JAMA 1968; 204(12): 1041-4

2. Cunningham FG et al, "Dystocia Due to Pelvic Contraction", Williams Obstetrics, Nineteenth Ed 1989

3.Anrig C, Plaugher G; "Chiropractic Management of In-Utero Constraint" Pediatric Chiropractic, 1998: Chapter 5 page 102.

4.Chiropractic Care in Pregnancy for Safer, Easier Births

Umbilical Cord Clamping a Cause of Autism?

This particular study examines the potential relationship between early cord clamping, infant asphyxia and autism. It summarizes: Brain lesions are associated with autism and related disorders[1]. Hypoxic brain lesions in monkeys are associated with intelligence/memory defects similar to autism. [2] Immediate cord clamping causes newborn hypoxia. Placental oxygenation until the lungs are functioning prevents newborn hypoxia. Placental oxygenation until the lungs are functioning should prevent autism that is caused by hypoxic brain lesions.
Read the article at:

Check out this compilation of additional resources on the subject by the same author:

Send your patients to: so they can download additional info and present documentation to their birth care providers.

More Resources:

Research on Autism and Chiropractic

The Autism Page @ Chiro.Org

Additional Info on Vaccines

Autism Research Institute

Center for the Study of Autism

The Autism Autoimmunity Project

Families for Early Autism Treatment

Articles in Mothering Magazine

Vaccine-Autism Link

Over the past several years, parents have been hearing about the possible link between mercury in vaccines and its potential cause of autism. Studies have been published on either side of the fence , however the most recent published research is swaying the controversy back to the probable side.

Here is a highlighted timeline of this controversy::

Andrew Wakefield and the Autism Link:

In 1998, Dr. Andrew Wakefield first published a paper in the Lancet associating the MMR vaccine to autism.

Wakefield resigns:

Scorned and rebutted by his peers, Dr. Wakefield did not give up his search for truth and real science. Read about his struggles here: and and

Wakefield disputes study in NEJM:

In November 2002, the New England Joural of Medicine published a study to rebut Wakefield's findings about the MMR Vaccine/ Autism link.

Dr. Andrew Wakefield had this to say about their findings:

February 2004:
CDC Vaccine Data Leads Scientists to Shocking Discovery.


Parents Show Increasing Concern about Autism and Vaccines

More parents refusing to get kids vaccinated. Physicians are increasingly confronting parents who are concerned about the safety of childhood immunizations.

May 2004:
Immunization Safety Review: Vaccines and Autism

The committee concludes that the body of epidemiological evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism. The committee also concludes that the body of epidemiological evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship between thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism. The committee further finds that potential biological mechanisms for vaccine-induced autism that have been generated to date are theoretical only.

National Vaccine Information Center Comments on Review:


June 2004: New Study Supports Possible Link Between MMR Vaccine and Autism

The newest research on the vaccine-autism relationship has just come out showing a link between mercury in vaccines and autism when there is genetic predisposition.The measles virus was detected in spinal fluid of children with autism, but not in controls.The findings challenge the results of several large studies on autism and bolster the fears of parents who have long believed their children were harmed by the vaccines.

For a recent TV News clip on the vaccine issue visit:
Clips on the right hand side of the page

Resources on Mercury in Vaccines:

For additional articles on autism visit:

For information on vaccines visit:

For information on chiropractic and autism visit:

Visit this site for clips from the Autism Conference:

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