Monday, July 10, 2006
Chiropractic Helps With Toddler Sleep Patterns
Author's abstract: The interaction of the cervical spine with the nervous system, and the effectiveness of spinal adjustment in the management of the poor sleeping patterns of a 12- month-old male are discussed. The history of an often irritable, unsettled infant, is also presented with a brief, but relevant, research review. Since birth, this 12 month old boy would wake up 7-8 times a night. Medication (Panadol TM ) had been given without success. Following the first adjustment (C 1/2 and T 8/ 9) the child slept for seven hours. A second case is briefly discussed of a 4-month-old boy with depressed appetite who slept only 30 minutes at a time. After one adjustment, he slept for 11 hours. Four months later he had a fall and his poor sleeping habit returned. After one adjustment the sleeping returned to normal, in addition he had a normal appetite.