Sunday, April 27, 2008



Efficiency is the driving force, not convenience for the organism. The subluxation can only be rightly called a subluxation if it negatively affects the body’s most important systems and leads to inefficiency in the system. The chiropractor must be removing afferent information from the system that leads to inefficient processing.

In fact ineffective processing can not only be learned (efficiency driven) depressed functions but other physiological states labeled asthma, atopic diseases, mental health conditions. Evidence at the molecular, cellular, systems, behavioral, and the analytical computational levels is converging to suggest a view that addiction represents a pathological usurpation of the neural mechanisms of learning and memory that under normal circumstances serve to shape survival behaviors related to the pursuit of rewards and the cues that predict them.

These addictive behavior patterns and pre-frontal executive functions become efficient at the level of the CNS. Chiropractic has long discussed the role of the vertebral subluxation in mental health. Because of flawed afferent input, an aberrant output begins.

This model of the VSC, with the subluxation altering afferent input that leads to inefficiency of processing and thus physiopathology, has larger ramifications. The chiropractor should consider that humans have the ability to alter development, physiology, growth, and behavior in response to different internal or external environmental conditions. These responses represent critical assessments of both external and internal environment.

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