Friday, October 24, 2008


Pediatric Chiropractic Paradigm

Chiropractic is concerned with the enhancement, promotion, preservation and restoration of health and focuses particular attention on the subluxation. A chiropractic vertebral subluxation complex (VSC) is a complex of functional and/ or structural and/or pathological articular changes that compromise neural integrity and may influence the homeostasis of multiple organ systems and the body as a whole. The chiropractic vertebral subluxation complex can only be evaluated by chiropractors utilizing profession specific procedures based on the best available rational, scientific, empirical evidence. Over 100 years of chiropractic care for children has shown in the scientific literature to be the safest interventional health care modality available to the public.

The role of the chiropractor, though trained and educated in the function of disease labeling and therapy, is to identify and correct vertebral subluxation complexes that have a profound negative impact on the physiological development of the child. Health promotion through well child maintenance care as well as VSC corrective care is an invaluable contribution the chiropractor can make to the health and well being of the child. Since human function and innate homeostasis is neurologically integrated, Doctors of Chiropractic evaluate and facilitate biomechanical and neuro-biological function though the appropriate application of the chiropractic adjustment and diagnostic procedures. When the pediatric patient’s homeostasis is overwhelmed and produces an identifiable disease, the pediatric patient moved from wellness into the interventionist medical paradigm, the chiropractic focus on the location and adjustment of the VSC remains unchanged. This dedicated therapeutic focus does not exempt the chiropractor from the responsibilities of practicing the art and science of whole body diagnosis.

Even in the most severe disease states, chiropractic has a critical role to play in the management of the pediatric patient who clearly belongs within the allopathic interventionist model. Disease is a struggle to maintain homeostatic balance of the body despite tissue damage and chiropractic adjustments move the child closer to wellness and away from pathologic dysfunction of tissues and organ systems. By contrast, allopathy has little role to play in the management of the patient who fits within the chiropractic wellness paradigm because of the lack of an identifiable pathology. Even preventive measures such as prophylaxis for asthma are dependent for their implementation upon the manifestation of the disease in the first place. Chiropractic care has been proven effective in positively effecting children with various “named” disease manifestations and empirically has blamed for the increased general health status of chiropractically treated children versus the general allopathic population.

Therefore, direct access and widespread utilization of chiropractic care is an integral part of the pediatric patient’s healthy development. Chiropractic should be included first in the health care planning of every child.

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