Thursday, February 24, 2011


Any inefficient neurological program

Any inefficient neurological program would lead to inefficient physiological processes, thus producing decreased survival capacity for the individual, offspring and/or species. The metabolic cost of neural information processing has been neglected by theorists attempting to understand the basic mechanisms of brain function. The large metabolic cost of neural processing implies that metabolic and local physiologic efficiencies will be critical for a mammal’s survival and adaptation over 240 million years of natural selection and physiological refinement and 6.2 million years of improvements for a human.

Consequently, the patient that comes in with a chronic (not acute) L5 right rotation should be considered a magnificent adapted machine geared towards energy efficiency. By removing our allopathic goggles and looking from a vitalistic viewpoint at the human body, the chronic L5 right rotation can be seen as the best short-term energy-efficient adaptation that 6.2 million years of evolution, modification, enhancement and survival through immediate energy efficiency could marshal. With these conclusions, I stopped seeing chronic short legs and a chronic L5RR as subluxations in all cases but perhaps adaptations of an efficient body doing the best it could to conserve energy in the here and now. Although a few weeks, months or years down the road the body could be damaged by these adaptations, energy efficiency of CNS processing in the immediate is the primary purpose of life.

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