Tuesday, March 01, 2011



One of the most powerful things you can do to live a happier and more successful life is to stop complaining. Starting today, make the decision to stop whining, stop complaining, and stop playing the victim. All of these actions will keep you from living a better, more positive life. They will also keep you from achieving your most important goals.

It is especially damaging to complain about things you can change but choose to do nothing about. Complaining about the cold weather is one thing; complaining about your job, your house, or your spouse is an entirely different thing. When you are at work, do you complain about your spouse? When you are at home, do you complain about your boss? How useless is that cycle? How about you make the hard decisions and go to your boss and explain what you don't like about how he runs your department. How about you sit down with your spouse and tell them what is missing in your relationship.

Doing either of these things is way more productive and will result in some action! If your boss continues to drive you nuts, you can decide to look for a new job knowing your concerns will not be addressed. If your spouse clearly understands your concerns, maybe then you can begin to fix the relationship. If not, you can begin to look for a more loving partner.

Make it your priority today to stop complaining about the things you can change. If you don't like your home, your job, your car, your career, or your financial position... CHANGE IT! Everything is 100 percent your responsibility. You have either created everything in your life or allowed everything to happen to you.

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