Tuesday, March 22, 2011


the human body intrinsically has more knowledge than the chiropractor

Interestingly, those chiropractors that perform manipulation under anesthesia (MUA) know firsthand that these listings (those slight rotations on X-Ray) disappear when the motor cortex is inhibited. Perhaps, those wedges and high spots are physiological adaptations rather than lesions. Perhaps, pain going down the right lower extremity with a rotated L5 on the right does not equate to an adjustment of L5 on the right. The human body that has been adapting to the internal and external environment constantly for 6.2 million years just may need that rotated L5 to maintain its survival tendency.

Even in the pain-free population I have never seen a model-perfect spine. Even after 10,000 patients. I don’t think my next 10,000 will be statistically different. This model, with perfectly aligned spinous processes, only exists in chiropractic textbook drawings and one or two film studies that are included in textbooks.

My conviction to help more patients forced me to read the neurological theory, evolutional biology and neuroscience texts more carefully. I also looked into the study of education and learning theory in Western nations and realized that we had long ago abandoned the teaching of critical thinking and logic in secondary schools, not to mention teaching logic in our colleges and health care programs.

If the human body is truly a self-regulating, self-adapting machine that is constantly adapting to the internal and external environment at all times and has been for the last 6.2 million years, then perhaps the human body intrinsically has more knowledge than the chiropractor about the whys and reasons for the chronically misaligned L5.

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