Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Why are we taught cranial bones don’t move?

Why are we taught cranial bones don’t move?

Dr. Upledger was lecturing and demonstrating CST to a medical audience in Israel when he noticed that his statement on cranial bone movement didn’t get the dramatic (skeptical)
response he’d received from American medical audiences. He mentioned this to his host, who brought him to the hospital library and showed him an Italian anatomy book. His host translated: “Italian anatomists, in the early 1900’s, taught that cranial suture ossification was pathological in the mature human adult. These teachings, therefore, contradict the British anatomists, who taught the doctrine of sutural ossification and cranial immobility as a normal condition.

“You Americans learned your anatomy from English and German texts which state the skull bones don’t move. The Italian anatomists did not hold to that doctrine,” stated his host.

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