Friday, May 26, 2006
Dr. Fred A. Clary

Thalamic neuron theory
Thalamic neuron theory: theoretical basis for the role played by the central nervous system (CNS) in the causes and cures of all diseases.
The Thalamic Neuron Theory (TNT) postulates that the central nervous system (CNS) is involved in all disease processes, as the CNS not only processes incoming physical and chemical information from the periphery, it also sends out physiological commands to the periphery in order to maintain homeostasis for the entire body. Inherent in its capacity to learn and adapt (i.e. to habituate) is the CNS' ability to learn to be sick (pathological habituation) by looking in certain deranged central neural circuitry, leading to chronic disease states. These pathologically habituated states can be reversed by dehabituation through manipulation or modulation of the abnormal neural circuits by physical means (physical neuromodulation) like functional analysis chiropractic technique or sensory integration training.
The Thalamic Neuron Theory (TNT) postulates that the central nervous system (CNS) is involved in all disease processes, as the CNS not only processes incoming physical and chemical information from the periphery, it also sends out physiological commands to the periphery in order to maintain homeostasis for the entire body. Inherent in its capacity to learn and adapt (i.e. to habituate) is the CNS' ability to learn to be sick (pathological habituation) by looking in certain deranged central neural circuitry, leading to chronic disease states. These pathologically habituated states can be reversed by dehabituation through manipulation or modulation of the abnormal neural circuits by physical means (physical neuromodulation) like functional analysis chiropractic technique or sensory integration training.
Mental Health & Chiro
More research exploring the relationship of subluxation correction to brain function is needed. Yet, the dramatic changes that have been reported in children medically diagnosed with ADD/ADHD and adults with depression or psychosis following chiropractor care must not be ignored.
Every child with a vertebral subluxation or dysponesis needs chiropractor care, regardless of whether or not symptoms are present.
By correcting nerve interference(dysponesis & energy utilization inefficiencies)... Function is improved, with greater expression of human potential.
Many report terminating drug therapy, and seeing the personality, will, and soul of the child unfolding.
Maria Montessori wrote, "It is easy to substitute our will for that of the child by means of suggestion or coercion; but when we have done this we have robbed him of his greatest right, the right to construct his own personality."
Every child with a vertebral subluxation or dysponesis needs chiropractor care, regardless of whether or not symptoms are present.
By correcting nerve interference(dysponesis & energy utilization inefficiencies)... Function is improved, with greater expression of human potential.
Many report terminating drug therapy, and seeing the personality, will, and soul of the child unfolding.
Maria Montessori wrote, "It is easy to substitute our will for that of the child by means of suggestion or coercion; but when we have done this we have robbed him of his greatest right, the right to construct his own personality."
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Definitions of Health and Wellness
Definitions of Health and Wellness
Traditional allopathic medicine has defined health as merely the absence of disease. This foundational definition has limited allopathy to limit its goals as the eradication of pathogens or the attainment of certain lab values. Present evidence has accumulated to show that the health state involves more than the lack of detectable pathogens in the body or attainment of certain lab value ranges. In the face of this information, the basic position of traditional allopathic medicine concerning the achievement of health has not changed. Medical schools and managed care organizations, with their emphasis on a diagnosis and rationed care, promulgate this traditional orientation by teaching that diagnosis and treatment of the named “disease” is the major pathway to health.
World Health Organization definition of health (1946): Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and is not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
Halpert Dunn (1959) argued there were different levels of wellness. Some levels are depicted as states of passive adaptability to the environment and others, as a dynamic process in which the objective is the attainment of one’s optimal potential. High Level Wellness is an all-encompassing term focusing on a dynamic process toward optimal functioning of an individual, family or community.
Adaptation: Health depends on the ability to maintain a physiological, mental and social balance despite changes in the ever-changing external and internal environment through the use of regulatory mechanisms within oneself. The state of dynamic balance is called homeostasis.
All available history records suggest that many ideas of wellness and health developed long before the advent of modern allopathic medicine and chiropractic.
Health can thus be defined as a state of abtaptness which permits the person concerned to function as effectively as long as possible in the environment where chance and choice has placed him.
Holistic Health: holistic health is based on the idea that the “body-mind-spirit” trinity has the inherent capacity to heal and that the environment – air, food, water and space- have more influence on humans than anything else. The human being is an organized whole greater than the sum of its parts and the whole also determines the nature of its parts and the parts cannot be analyzed in isolation from the whole. They are dynamically interrelated and interdependent. The term “holism” also refers to the beliefs that all parts of a living organism work together to determine the health of the entire person.
Wellness : Wellness is a dynamic state, reflecting growth and change physically, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, vocationally and socially. It is not a STATIC state. Wellness is an active process through which an individual makes choices and adaptations passively and actively which result in a more successful existence.
High-level wellness is a life-style-focused approach, which allows the individual to personally design a way to achieve optimal wellness within the limits of his or her own capacity. Life-style-focused approach to wellness is an integrated, ever changing state, which focuses on self-responsibility, accountability, nutritional awareness, physical fitness, stress management and environmental sensitivity as critical components of optimal wellness.
Vitalism : The doctrine of vitalism holds that life processes are guided by non material vital principle and are, thus, unable to be fully explained as physical and chemical phenomena. Most vitalistic practitioners today use natural methods which ALLOW the body to change itself.
Vitalism maintains that;
"the organism is reactive, at all times coping with, and attempting to overcome, the stresses which impinge upon it from outside. It behaves purposively, the nature and form of its reaction being determined by the specific environmental stress encountered. It responds to challenge, which no aggregate or assembly of non-living substances can ever do". (Divided Legacy, Harris Counter, pg. xvii.)
Quantum Vitalism : The testable hypothesis that life is a process intimately linked to the fundamental level of the universe; particular biological systems (cells, tissues, organisms) have a "unitary oneness" based on macroscopic quantum coherence; the flow of Innate Intelligence/ ch'i energy/information through tissues is related to sequences of emergence/collapse of quantum status in biomolecular systems.
Mechanism: The doctrine of mechanism holds that ALL natural phenomena can be explained by material causes and mechanical principles. Most mechanistic practitioner today use drugs and surgery. These methods FORCE the body to change.
Reductionism: is a view that asserts that entities of a given kind are collections or combinations of entities of a simpler or more basic kind or that expressions denoting such entities are definable in terms of expressions denoting the more basic entities. Thus, the ideas that physical bodies are collections of atoms or that thoughts are combinations of sense impressions are forms of reductionism.
The traditional reductionist view ( known as traditional / orthodox scientific view in the popular culture) and the traditional medical (allopathic) view sees a person as a machine. The 'parts' of this machine are prone to 'breakdown' and need time to repair or replacement with 'spare parts'. Medicine intervenes to correct dysfunction and restore 'normality'. Emphasis is on the physical, reducing a human being to a collection of systems. In accordance with this approach, Allopaths and their health care colleagues engage in acquiring a basic knowledge, of various subjects. Biology, psychology, pharmocology, sociology, epidemiology and others disciplines. Ultimately, of course the focus on the patient is neglected by the constant focus on the parts of the patient as if they were unconnected and interdependent.
Junk Science: is faulty scientific data and analysis used to further a special agenda.
As Australian philosopher Bernard Robertson-Dunn once wrote:
I am not a seeker after truth ... just evidence.
I will draw my own conclusions.
Cawadias (1953) has said that "the history of medicine has shown that, whenever medicine has strayed from clinical observation[ …read… Results…Fred], the result has been chaos, stagnation, and disaster."--British Medical Journal, Oct 8th, 1955, p.867 (Quoted in Clinical Medical Discoveries by Beddow Bayly)
Emergence: The vitalism/reductionism debate in the life sciences shows that the idea of emergence as something principally unexplainable will often be falsified by the development of science. Nevertheless, the concept of emergence keeps reappearing in various sciences, and cannot easily be dispensed with in an evolutionary world-view. We argue that what is needed is an ontological non-reductionist theory of levels of reality which includes a concept of emergence, and which can support an evolutionary account of the origin of levels.
Emergence is expressed as the concept that there are properties at a certain level of organization which can not be predicted from the properties found at lower levels. (Intelligent organization, coordination and adaptation towards full unlimited potential). Emergence does not exclude explanation, in some cases not even a deterministic one, and emergence is not an indeterministic process. Emergence in relation to levels can only be analyzed within the distinction between global/local perspective.
Dualism : contends you must have both of the two components in question, rather than one or the other. In contrast to dualism two other philosophical positions concerned with the number of substances: monism and pluralism. Monism is the view that there is one elemental whereas pluralism maintains that there are many things which constitute the world.
A major problem faced by dualists is the inability to resolve the rift created between the two opposing elements. Typically the motivation for resolving conflicts between these two realms is to make the world more understandable. For instance, how is the interaction between mind and body explained? Descartes, for example, claimed that the pineal gland is the point of contact between the bodily and spiritual realm. The inability to rectify these two realms has inclined some to adopt monism. Modern Allopathic/ Traditional/Orthodox Science, for example, offers a monistic account of reality (physicalism), which eliminates the mental altogether, removes any problems of relatedness between mind and body by eliminating the spiritual all together. Mental events are reduced to brain states, thus leaving only the bodily realm, thus monism.
Epiphenomenalism : The accepted extension of the allopathic, reductionist, mechanistic view of the mind/body concept. Epiphenomenalism contends there is only a one-way causal connection from the body to the mind, but none from the mind to the body. According to this idea, Consciousness is just a byproduct of the body, much like smoke from a steam engine train. Thus all value and attention is focused of the “chemical” physical processes of the body and thus; the mind, soul, spirit and “consciousness”, “Individual Human Awareness” of the patient is cheaped or minimized.
Pleomorphism : microbial genera and species are not fixed and rely on he host’s environment to determine it’s form and malevolence. A paradigm in which the host organism or patient was an active participant in infection and disease - in contrast to Koch and Pasteur and the monomorphists who held the microbe to be all-powerful, the host organism a passive victim.
Pleomorphism means downgrading the microbe, since the host, by resisting the latter's onslaught, could alter its characteristics and make it return to a normal form as again. The patient has control over the bacteria, not the other way around. The microbes are the result, not the cause of disease
Monomorphism - a dogma meaning again that microbial genera and species are fixed and eternal, that the form of each microorganism associated with a specific disease always stays the same and always causes that same disease.
"Accepting Pleomorphism meant acknowledging the host organism's, the patient's capacity to defend itself (him or her) against, and dominate, the microbe.
Monomorphism, on the contrary, enhanced the role of the microbe in disease, and consequently that of the physician who combats the microbe. This is the principal reason for the instinctive hostility of the majority of physicians to Pleomorphism and Holistic/Alternative Medicine in general."( Divided Legacy, Harris Counter . pg. 39)
Pleomorphism was a great threat to this "control" factor. This control factor means;
"control of the disease with poisons that need monitored and controlled, controlling therefore, the patient and their pocket book."(Ibid, pg.39)
The phenomena of life are forced into categories (disciples; i.e., cardiology, oncology, EENT, etc.), which can be manipulated to make a living from the practice of allopathic medicine. The monomorphists have identified their doctrine with science itself, as science itself, that Monomorphism is a law of nature, which it is not. This viewpoint has, through the years, taken on such an aspect of truth that to question it now seems a scientific sacrilege.
The followers of Koch proclaimed Monomorphism with 'religious fanaticism', stated Max Gruber in 1885. F. Loehnis stated in 1922 that the intransigence and verbal violence displayed by the various factions in this conflict resembled certain historic theological quarrels.
For all these reasons, Monomorphism was at first excessively rigid, even dogmatic. Rene Dubious states that Koch and Pasteur; "overestablished" the doctrine of the specificity of disease causes and that blind acceptance by several generations of bacteriologist of the dogma of constancy of cell forms and immutability of cultural characteristics discouraged for many years the study of the problems of morphology, inheritance, and variation in bacteria and viruses.
Ontology : is a (Platonic) description of essential reality, i.e., what actually is, as opposed to what one can see (observation, accident), or what one can know (epistemiology) . The term ontology was coined by two German philosophers, Göckel and Lorhard, in 1613, and first appeared in English in 1721. Ontology as the metaphysical commitments or presuppositions embodied in the different natural sciences. For example, the belief that a cancer can metastasize would be an ONTOLOGICAL COMMITMENT. In the philosophy and the practice of science, ontology goes under various names: essence, reality, Mind of God, nature, gold standard, or mathiverse What actually is, human potential and the multiple random events both positive and negative (ie. The Bid Idea. Formal otology deals with the interconnections of things with objects and properties, parts and wholes, relations and collectives.
Epistemology : (Greek episteme,”knowledge”; logos,”theory”), branch of philosophy that addresses the philosophical problems surrounding the theory of knowledge. Epistemology is concerned with the definition of knowledge and related concepts, the sources and criteria of knowledge, the kinds of knowledge possible and the degree to which each is certain, and the exact relation between the one who knows and the object known. A critical study of method, knowledge, validity and scope. What you can see and measure. Lab Tests, Orthopedic , Neurological Tests.
Inductive Reasoning (Inductive Logic): According to the philosopher John Stuart Mill, it's chief proponent, we are using inductive reasoning when we conclude "that what is true of certain individuals of a class, is true of the whole class, or what is true at a certain time will be true in similar circumstances at all times."
"Take the example of appendectomies. Medical doctors had studied this curious organ for a long time and had never found a useful purpose for it. They concluded therefore, that it had no useful purpose. When it became inflamed or otherwise troublesome, they remove it. It took years for the medical profession to admit that its reasoning was incorrect, and to seek other means of treating appendicitis.
Medical science still stand by most of its other conclusions, however, even though they were arrived at by the same reliance on inductive reasoning. Moreover, it adheres to the "rules" with a rigidity that often does not allow for individual differences. Scientists discovered that the average temperature for a human being is 98.6 Fahrenheit. I f you have a 99.3 temperature, you're said to be "running a fever" and you're given medications to bring the temperature back to "normal."
The problem with this type of reasoning is obvious. No one perfectly fits the profile of the "average" human being -- not in height, weight, or even body temperature. It is incorrect to conclude that the correct temperature for all members of the human race is the same as the "average" temperature of a sample of individual members."
(Terry Rhondberg D.C)
Deductive reasoning : starts with major premises and, based on those ideas, deduces the truth about each individual part of the whole.
Deductive reasoning works from the more general to the more specific. Sometimes this is informally called a "top-down" approach. We begin with a theory about our topic of interest. We then narrow that down into more specific hypotheses that we can test. We narrow down even further when we collect observations to address the hypotheses. This ultimately leads us to be able to test the hypotheses with specific data -- a confirmation (or not) of our original theories.
Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. In its exemplary form, it is based on universal intellectual values that transcend subject matter divisions: clarity, accuracy, precision, consistency, relevance, sound evidence, good reasons, depth, breadth, and fairness. It entails the examination of those structures or elements of thought implicit in all reasoning: purpose, problem, or question-at-issue; assumptions; concepts; empirical grounding; reasoning leading to conclusions; implications and consequences; objections from alternative viewpoints; and frame of reference.
Critical thinking - in being responsive to variable subject matter, issues, and purposes - is incorporated in a family of interwoven modes of thinking, among them: scientific thinking, mathematical thinking, historical thinking, anthropological thinking, economic thinking, moral thinking, and philosophical thinking.
Critical thinking can be seen as having two components: 1) a set of information and belief generating and processing skills, and 2) the habit, based on intellectual commitment, of using those skills to guide behavior.
It is thus to be contrasted with: 1) the mere acquisition and retention of information alone, because it involves a particular way in which information is sought and treated; 2) the mere possession of a set of skills, because it involves the continual use of them; and 3) the mere use of those skills ("as an exercise") without acceptance of their results.
Critical thinking varies according to the motivation underlying it. When grounded in selfish motives, it is often manifested in the skillful manipulation of ideas in service of one's own, or one's groups', vested interest. As such it is typically intellectually flawed, however pragmatically successful it might be. When grounded in fair-mindedness and intellectual integrity, it is typically of a higher order intellectually, though subject to the charge of "idealism" by those habituated to its selfish use.
Critical thinking of any kind is never universal in any individual; everyone is subject to episodes of undisciplined or irrational thought. Its quality is therefore typically a matter of degree and dependent on , among other things, the quality and depth of experience in a given domain of thinking or with respect to a particular class of questions. No one is a critical thinker through-and-through, but only to such-and-such a degree, with such-and-such insights and blind spots, subject to such-and-such tendencies towards self-delusion. For this reason, the development of critical thinking skills and dispositions is a life-long endeavor.
Chiropractic Wellness: Health or EASE is the coordination of matter through innate intelligence through out the body. Coordination is the harmonious action of all the parts of an organism in fulfilling their function and physiology. Dis –Ease is a deficiency or lack of ease. Wellness is the process of functioning at highest level of coordination and the body, mind and spirit operating at maximum efficiency. This process of functioning at high levels of organization allows for the unfolding of full physical, mental and spiritual potential of the human.
Innate Intelligence: The localized or inborn intelligence of the body. Innate Intelligence’s function is to keep the matter in active organization. Chiropractic refers to the body’s organizational ability as its innate intelligence. Innate intelligence organized your body into a complicated, living, adapting, growing being – without it, the human body would be no more than a few dollars worth of chemicals.
There is Innate Intelligence within each of human body that is far superior to the intellect, which creates and recreates the body on a continual basis. In order for this process to occur, life force (mental impulse) must be flowing throughout the body to all cells and tissues. Its medium is the brain and nervous system. The Innate Intelligence directs this life force to every cell and tissue of the body.
"Chiropractors adjust subluxations, relieving pressure from the nerves so that they can perform their functions in a normal manner. The Innate can and will do the rest." -B.J. Palmer, D.C.
Coordination: is the principle of harmonious action of all the parts of an organism, in fulfilling their offices and purposes. "Coordinated function" supersedes the autonomy of a subsystem activity (The needs of the whole supercede the needs of the parts, i.e….as in scoliosis the nervous will sacrifice the spine in order to decrease dysponesis and correct gait and station, posture) . It can be accessible to examination by introducing coordination as an objective, tangible observation.
Mental Impulse: is a "thought" which may be expressed through a variety of neurobiological mechanisms. These mechanisms include synaptic and non-synaptic processes. But it is not synonymous with Innate Intelligence or the neurochemical action potential. Mental Impulse is the adaptive drive and communication for survival and maximum life potential. Mental Impulse is the initiation of the process that the Innate Intelligence uses for the Correct Coordination of the Organism.
Mental Impulse also encompasses the expanding science of the role of neuropeptidies in cellular communications for example there is bidirectional communication between the nervous system and immune system. Neuromodulators released by the nervous system influence immune function. Activated immune cells release an array of immunomodulators that influence the function of the nervous system. Thus, the nervous system and the immune system are not independent, but employ the common language of cytokines and neuroreceptors. The primary intend of a mental impulse is adaptive but the final outcome of a mental impulse depends on the complex inter-communication of the body systems and cells, tissues , their individual current physiological vs, pathological potentials and limitations of matter of the various cells, tissues and systems involved.
Tone: The harmonious synchronization of the body’s functions and potentials integrating all it’s systems, organs, tissues and cells. This harmonious synchronization is organized, controlled and maintained by the nervous system. There is a perceptible or theoretical “resonance” or tone caused by the harmonious interaction of all the body’s tissues. The goal of Coordination and coordinated function is normal tone.
“ Life is the expression of tone. In that sentence is the basic principle of chiropractic. Tone is the normal degree of nerve tension. Tone is expressed in functions by normal elasticity, activity, strength and excitability of various organs, as observed in a state of health. Consequently, the cause of disease is any variation of tone ”
D.D. Palmer
Dysponesis: Dysponesis is defined as a reversible physiological state consisting of unnoticed, misdirected neuro-physical reactions (e.g. abnormal muscle activity) to various agents (environmental events, bodily sensations, emotions, and thoughts) and the repercussions of these reactions throughout the organism. These errors in energy expenditure that are capable of producing functional disorders consist mainly of covert errors in action, potential output from the motor and pre-motor areas of the cortex, and consequences of that output.
The resulting aberrant muscle activity may be evaluated using surface electrode techniques. Typically, static SMEG with axial loading is used to evaluate innate responses to gravitational stress. Dysponesis may also be disclosed by postural analysis.
The early stages of the vertebral subluxation complex in children will exhibit dysponesis. This symptom-less states taxes energy from the body and cause abnormal muscle balance across motor units. This kinesopathology can lead to structure changes in the developing musculoskeltetal system and thus aberrant neurological input into the central nervous system. This aberrant input may lead to permanent changes in the developing central nervous system. (Sensory, Motor, Personality, Integration, Intellectual Processing)
Dysponesis clarifies the momentous consequences of prolonged VSC in children.
Disability: summarizes a great number of different functional limitations occurring in any population, in any country of the world. People may be disabled by physical, intellectual or sensory impairment, medical conditions or mental illness. Such impairments, conditions or illnesses may be permanent or transitory in nature. (United Nations Standard Rules on the equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities
Traditional allopathic medicine has defined health as merely the absence of disease. This foundational definition has limited allopathy to limit its goals as the eradication of pathogens or the attainment of certain lab values. Present evidence has accumulated to show that the health state involves more than the lack of detectable pathogens in the body or attainment of certain lab value ranges. In the face of this information, the basic position of traditional allopathic medicine concerning the achievement of health has not changed. Medical schools and managed care organizations, with their emphasis on a diagnosis and rationed care, promulgate this traditional orientation by teaching that diagnosis and treatment of the named “disease” is the major pathway to health.
World Health Organization definition of health (1946): Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and is not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
Halpert Dunn (1959) argued there were different levels of wellness. Some levels are depicted as states of passive adaptability to the environment and others, as a dynamic process in which the objective is the attainment of one’s optimal potential. High Level Wellness is an all-encompassing term focusing on a dynamic process toward optimal functioning of an individual, family or community.
Adaptation: Health depends on the ability to maintain a physiological, mental and social balance despite changes in the ever-changing external and internal environment through the use of regulatory mechanisms within oneself. The state of dynamic balance is called homeostasis.
All available history records suggest that many ideas of wellness and health developed long before the advent of modern allopathic medicine and chiropractic.
Health can thus be defined as a state of abtaptness which permits the person concerned to function as effectively as long as possible in the environment where chance and choice has placed him.
Holistic Health: holistic health is based on the idea that the “body-mind-spirit” trinity has the inherent capacity to heal and that the environment – air, food, water and space- have more influence on humans than anything else. The human being is an organized whole greater than the sum of its parts and the whole also determines the nature of its parts and the parts cannot be analyzed in isolation from the whole. They are dynamically interrelated and interdependent. The term “holism” also refers to the beliefs that all parts of a living organism work together to determine the health of the entire person.
Wellness : Wellness is a dynamic state, reflecting growth and change physically, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, vocationally and socially. It is not a STATIC state. Wellness is an active process through which an individual makes choices and adaptations passively and actively which result in a more successful existence.
High-level wellness is a life-style-focused approach, which allows the individual to personally design a way to achieve optimal wellness within the limits of his or her own capacity. Life-style-focused approach to wellness is an integrated, ever changing state, which focuses on self-responsibility, accountability, nutritional awareness, physical fitness, stress management and environmental sensitivity as critical components of optimal wellness.
Vitalism : The doctrine of vitalism holds that life processes are guided by non material vital principle and are, thus, unable to be fully explained as physical and chemical phenomena. Most vitalistic practitioners today use natural methods which ALLOW the body to change itself.
Vitalism maintains that;
"the organism is reactive, at all times coping with, and attempting to overcome, the stresses which impinge upon it from outside. It behaves purposively, the nature and form of its reaction being determined by the specific environmental stress encountered. It responds to challenge, which no aggregate or assembly of non-living substances can ever do". (Divided Legacy, Harris Counter, pg. xvii.)
Quantum Vitalism : The testable hypothesis that life is a process intimately linked to the fundamental level of the universe; particular biological systems (cells, tissues, organisms) have a "unitary oneness" based on macroscopic quantum coherence; the flow of Innate Intelligence/ ch'i energy/information through tissues is related to sequences of emergence/collapse of quantum status in biomolecular systems.
Mechanism: The doctrine of mechanism holds that ALL natural phenomena can be explained by material causes and mechanical principles. Most mechanistic practitioner today use drugs and surgery. These methods FORCE the body to change.
Reductionism: is a view that asserts that entities of a given kind are collections or combinations of entities of a simpler or more basic kind or that expressions denoting such entities are definable in terms of expressions denoting the more basic entities. Thus, the ideas that physical bodies are collections of atoms or that thoughts are combinations of sense impressions are forms of reductionism.
The traditional reductionist view ( known as traditional / orthodox scientific view in the popular culture) and the traditional medical (allopathic) view sees a person as a machine. The 'parts' of this machine are prone to 'breakdown' and need time to repair or replacement with 'spare parts'. Medicine intervenes to correct dysfunction and restore 'normality'. Emphasis is on the physical, reducing a human being to a collection of systems. In accordance with this approach, Allopaths and their health care colleagues engage in acquiring a basic knowledge, of various subjects. Biology, psychology, pharmocology, sociology, epidemiology and others disciplines. Ultimately, of course the focus on the patient is neglected by the constant focus on the parts of the patient as if they were unconnected and interdependent.
Junk Science: is faulty scientific data and analysis used to further a special agenda.
As Australian philosopher Bernard Robertson-Dunn once wrote:
I am not a seeker after truth ... just evidence.
I will draw my own conclusions.
Cawadias (1953) has said that "the history of medicine has shown that, whenever medicine has strayed from clinical observation[ …read… Results…Fred], the result has been chaos, stagnation, and disaster."--British Medical Journal, Oct 8th, 1955, p.867 (Quoted in Clinical Medical Discoveries by Beddow Bayly)
Emergence: The vitalism/reductionism debate in the life sciences shows that the idea of emergence as something principally unexplainable will often be falsified by the development of science. Nevertheless, the concept of emergence keeps reappearing in various sciences, and cannot easily be dispensed with in an evolutionary world-view. We argue that what is needed is an ontological non-reductionist theory of levels of reality which includes a concept of emergence, and which can support an evolutionary account of the origin of levels.
Emergence is expressed as the concept that there are properties at a certain level of organization which can not be predicted from the properties found at lower levels. (Intelligent organization, coordination and adaptation towards full unlimited potential). Emergence does not exclude explanation, in some cases not even a deterministic one, and emergence is not an indeterministic process. Emergence in relation to levels can only be analyzed within the distinction between global/local perspective.
Dualism : contends you must have both of the two components in question, rather than one or the other. In contrast to dualism two other philosophical positions concerned with the number of substances: monism and pluralism. Monism is the view that there is one elemental whereas pluralism maintains that there are many things which constitute the world.
A major problem faced by dualists is the inability to resolve the rift created between the two opposing elements. Typically the motivation for resolving conflicts between these two realms is to make the world more understandable. For instance, how is the interaction between mind and body explained? Descartes, for example, claimed that the pineal gland is the point of contact between the bodily and spiritual realm. The inability to rectify these two realms has inclined some to adopt monism. Modern Allopathic/ Traditional/Orthodox Science, for example, offers a monistic account of reality (physicalism), which eliminates the mental altogether, removes any problems of relatedness between mind and body by eliminating the spiritual all together. Mental events are reduced to brain states, thus leaving only the bodily realm, thus monism.
Epiphenomenalism : The accepted extension of the allopathic, reductionist, mechanistic view of the mind/body concept. Epiphenomenalism contends there is only a one-way causal connection from the body to the mind, but none from the mind to the body. According to this idea, Consciousness is just a byproduct of the body, much like smoke from a steam engine train. Thus all value and attention is focused of the “chemical” physical processes of the body and thus; the mind, soul, spirit and “consciousness”, “Individual Human Awareness” of the patient is cheaped or minimized.
Pleomorphism : microbial genera and species are not fixed and rely on he host’s environment to determine it’s form and malevolence. A paradigm in which the host organism or patient was an active participant in infection and disease - in contrast to Koch and Pasteur and the monomorphists who held the microbe to be all-powerful, the host organism a passive victim.
Pleomorphism means downgrading the microbe, since the host, by resisting the latter's onslaught, could alter its characteristics and make it return to a normal form as again. The patient has control over the bacteria, not the other way around. The microbes are the result, not the cause of disease
Monomorphism - a dogma meaning again that microbial genera and species are fixed and eternal, that the form of each microorganism associated with a specific disease always stays the same and always causes that same disease.
"Accepting Pleomorphism meant acknowledging the host organism's, the patient's capacity to defend itself (him or her) against, and dominate, the microbe.
Monomorphism, on the contrary, enhanced the role of the microbe in disease, and consequently that of the physician who combats the microbe. This is the principal reason for the instinctive hostility of the majority of physicians to Pleomorphism and Holistic/Alternative Medicine in general."( Divided Legacy, Harris Counter . pg. 39)
Pleomorphism was a great threat to this "control" factor. This control factor means;
"control of the disease with poisons that need monitored and controlled, controlling therefore, the patient and their pocket book."(Ibid, pg.39)
The phenomena of life are forced into categories (disciples; i.e., cardiology, oncology, EENT, etc.), which can be manipulated to make a living from the practice of allopathic medicine. The monomorphists have identified their doctrine with science itself, as science itself, that Monomorphism is a law of nature, which it is not. This viewpoint has, through the years, taken on such an aspect of truth that to question it now seems a scientific sacrilege.
The followers of Koch proclaimed Monomorphism with 'religious fanaticism', stated Max Gruber in 1885. F. Loehnis stated in 1922 that the intransigence and verbal violence displayed by the various factions in this conflict resembled certain historic theological quarrels.
For all these reasons, Monomorphism was at first excessively rigid, even dogmatic. Rene Dubious states that Koch and Pasteur; "overestablished" the doctrine of the specificity of disease causes and that blind acceptance by several generations of bacteriologist of the dogma of constancy of cell forms and immutability of cultural characteristics discouraged for many years the study of the problems of morphology, inheritance, and variation in bacteria and viruses.
Ontology : is a (Platonic) description of essential reality, i.e., what actually is, as opposed to what one can see (observation, accident), or what one can know (epistemiology) . The term ontology was coined by two German philosophers, Göckel and Lorhard, in 1613, and first appeared in English in 1721. Ontology as the metaphysical commitments or presuppositions embodied in the different natural sciences. For example, the belief that a cancer can metastasize would be an ONTOLOGICAL COMMITMENT. In the philosophy and the practice of science, ontology goes under various names: essence, reality, Mind of God, nature, gold standard, or mathiverse What actually is, human potential and the multiple random events both positive and negative (ie. The Bid Idea. Formal otology deals with the interconnections of things with objects and properties, parts and wholes, relations and collectives.
Epistemology : (Greek episteme,”knowledge”; logos,”theory”), branch of philosophy that addresses the philosophical problems surrounding the theory of knowledge. Epistemology is concerned with the definition of knowledge and related concepts, the sources and criteria of knowledge, the kinds of knowledge possible and the degree to which each is certain, and the exact relation between the one who knows and the object known. A critical study of method, knowledge, validity and scope. What you can see and measure. Lab Tests, Orthopedic , Neurological Tests.
Inductive Reasoning (Inductive Logic): According to the philosopher John Stuart Mill, it's chief proponent, we are using inductive reasoning when we conclude "that what is true of certain individuals of a class, is true of the whole class, or what is true at a certain time will be true in similar circumstances at all times."
"Take the example of appendectomies. Medical doctors had studied this curious organ for a long time and had never found a useful purpose for it. They concluded therefore, that it had no useful purpose. When it became inflamed or otherwise troublesome, they remove it. It took years for the medical profession to admit that its reasoning was incorrect, and to seek other means of treating appendicitis.
Medical science still stand by most of its other conclusions, however, even though they were arrived at by the same reliance on inductive reasoning. Moreover, it adheres to the "rules" with a rigidity that often does not allow for individual differences. Scientists discovered that the average temperature for a human being is 98.6 Fahrenheit. I f you have a 99.3 temperature, you're said to be "running a fever" and you're given medications to bring the temperature back to "normal."
The problem with this type of reasoning is obvious. No one perfectly fits the profile of the "average" human being -- not in height, weight, or even body temperature. It is incorrect to conclude that the correct temperature for all members of the human race is the same as the "average" temperature of a sample of individual members."
(Terry Rhondberg D.C)
Deductive reasoning : starts with major premises and, based on those ideas, deduces the truth about each individual part of the whole.
Deductive reasoning works from the more general to the more specific. Sometimes this is informally called a "top-down" approach. We begin with a theory about our topic of interest. We then narrow that down into more specific hypotheses that we can test. We narrow down even further when we collect observations to address the hypotheses. This ultimately leads us to be able to test the hypotheses with specific data -- a confirmation (or not) of our original theories.
Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. In its exemplary form, it is based on universal intellectual values that transcend subject matter divisions: clarity, accuracy, precision, consistency, relevance, sound evidence, good reasons, depth, breadth, and fairness. It entails the examination of those structures or elements of thought implicit in all reasoning: purpose, problem, or question-at-issue; assumptions; concepts; empirical grounding; reasoning leading to conclusions; implications and consequences; objections from alternative viewpoints; and frame of reference.
Critical thinking - in being responsive to variable subject matter, issues, and purposes - is incorporated in a family of interwoven modes of thinking, among them: scientific thinking, mathematical thinking, historical thinking, anthropological thinking, economic thinking, moral thinking, and philosophical thinking.
Critical thinking can be seen as having two components: 1) a set of information and belief generating and processing skills, and 2) the habit, based on intellectual commitment, of using those skills to guide behavior.
It is thus to be contrasted with: 1) the mere acquisition and retention of information alone, because it involves a particular way in which information is sought and treated; 2) the mere possession of a set of skills, because it involves the continual use of them; and 3) the mere use of those skills ("as an exercise") without acceptance of their results.
Critical thinking varies according to the motivation underlying it. When grounded in selfish motives, it is often manifested in the skillful manipulation of ideas in service of one's own, or one's groups', vested interest. As such it is typically intellectually flawed, however pragmatically successful it might be. When grounded in fair-mindedness and intellectual integrity, it is typically of a higher order intellectually, though subject to the charge of "idealism" by those habituated to its selfish use.
Critical thinking of any kind is never universal in any individual; everyone is subject to episodes of undisciplined or irrational thought. Its quality is therefore typically a matter of degree and dependent on , among other things, the quality and depth of experience in a given domain of thinking or with respect to a particular class of questions. No one is a critical thinker through-and-through, but only to such-and-such a degree, with such-and-such insights and blind spots, subject to such-and-such tendencies towards self-delusion. For this reason, the development of critical thinking skills and dispositions is a life-long endeavor.
Chiropractic Wellness: Health or EASE is the coordination of matter through innate intelligence through out the body. Coordination is the harmonious action of all the parts of an organism in fulfilling their function and physiology. Dis –Ease is a deficiency or lack of ease. Wellness is the process of functioning at highest level of coordination and the body, mind and spirit operating at maximum efficiency. This process of functioning at high levels of organization allows for the unfolding of full physical, mental and spiritual potential of the human.
Innate Intelligence: The localized or inborn intelligence of the body. Innate Intelligence’s function is to keep the matter in active organization. Chiropractic refers to the body’s organizational ability as its innate intelligence. Innate intelligence organized your body into a complicated, living, adapting, growing being – without it, the human body would be no more than a few dollars worth of chemicals.
There is Innate Intelligence within each of human body that is far superior to the intellect, which creates and recreates the body on a continual basis. In order for this process to occur, life force (mental impulse) must be flowing throughout the body to all cells and tissues. Its medium is the brain and nervous system. The Innate Intelligence directs this life force to every cell and tissue of the body.
"Chiropractors adjust subluxations, relieving pressure from the nerves so that they can perform their functions in a normal manner. The Innate can and will do the rest." -B.J. Palmer, D.C.
Coordination: is the principle of harmonious action of all the parts of an organism, in fulfilling their offices and purposes. "Coordinated function" supersedes the autonomy of a subsystem activity (The needs of the whole supercede the needs of the parts, i.e….as in scoliosis the nervous will sacrifice the spine in order to decrease dysponesis and correct gait and station, posture) . It can be accessible to examination by introducing coordination as an objective, tangible observation.
Mental Impulse: is a "thought" which may be expressed through a variety of neurobiological mechanisms. These mechanisms include synaptic and non-synaptic processes. But it is not synonymous with Innate Intelligence or the neurochemical action potential. Mental Impulse is the adaptive drive and communication for survival and maximum life potential. Mental Impulse is the initiation of the process that the Innate Intelligence uses for the Correct Coordination of the Organism.
Mental Impulse also encompasses the expanding science of the role of neuropeptidies in cellular communications for example there is bidirectional communication between the nervous system and immune system. Neuromodulators released by the nervous system influence immune function. Activated immune cells release an array of immunomodulators that influence the function of the nervous system. Thus, the nervous system and the immune system are not independent, but employ the common language of cytokines and neuroreceptors. The primary intend of a mental impulse is adaptive but the final outcome of a mental impulse depends on the complex inter-communication of the body systems and cells, tissues , their individual current physiological vs, pathological potentials and limitations of matter of the various cells, tissues and systems involved.
Tone: The harmonious synchronization of the body’s functions and potentials integrating all it’s systems, organs, tissues and cells. This harmonious synchronization is organized, controlled and maintained by the nervous system. There is a perceptible or theoretical “resonance” or tone caused by the harmonious interaction of all the body’s tissues. The goal of Coordination and coordinated function is normal tone.
“ Life is the expression of tone. In that sentence is the basic principle of chiropractic. Tone is the normal degree of nerve tension. Tone is expressed in functions by normal elasticity, activity, strength and excitability of various organs, as observed in a state of health. Consequently, the cause of disease is any variation of tone ”
D.D. Palmer
Dysponesis: Dysponesis is defined as a reversible physiological state consisting of unnoticed, misdirected neuro-physical reactions (e.g. abnormal muscle activity) to various agents (environmental events, bodily sensations, emotions, and thoughts) and the repercussions of these reactions throughout the organism. These errors in energy expenditure that are capable of producing functional disorders consist mainly of covert errors in action, potential output from the motor and pre-motor areas of the cortex, and consequences of that output.
The resulting aberrant muscle activity may be evaluated using surface electrode techniques. Typically, static SMEG with axial loading is used to evaluate innate responses to gravitational stress. Dysponesis may also be disclosed by postural analysis.
The early stages of the vertebral subluxation complex in children will exhibit dysponesis. This symptom-less states taxes energy from the body and cause abnormal muscle balance across motor units. This kinesopathology can lead to structure changes in the developing musculoskeltetal system and thus aberrant neurological input into the central nervous system. This aberrant input may lead to permanent changes in the developing central nervous system. (Sensory, Motor, Personality, Integration, Intellectual Processing)
Dysponesis clarifies the momentous consequences of prolonged VSC in children.
Disability: summarizes a great number of different functional limitations occurring in any population, in any country of the world. People may be disabled by physical, intellectual or sensory impairment, medical conditions or mental illness. Such impairments, conditions or illnesses may be permanent or transitory in nature. (United Nations Standard Rules on the equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Mental / Emotional Dysfunction
Mental / Emotional Dysfunction
- You have your reasons when you think about it, given all of life's stresses and challenges over the last years, but gradually anxiety and depression have become more constant companions. You are taking medication, which controls them reasonably well, but heaven forbid that you should stop and see what happens.
Additionally, you have been reading about the unknowns of long-term usage of these drugs and how they may be permanently rewiring your brain. What is the real root of your problem and what other options do you have?
- Your child has been struggling at school with poor grades, lack of focus and interest, and now you have been called aside regarding behavior concerns. You are being strongly encouraged to place your child on stimulant drugs like Ritalin for ADHD. You have heard strong cautions about the medication side effects even though they "work". You want to make sure you are addressing the causative issues and wonder if a different, more natural approach might help.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Tylenol May Cause Asthma
Tylenol May Cause Asthma
High consumption of acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol and other products, might increase the risks of asthma and help to partially explain why it is so much more prevalent in English speaking countries than elsewhere.
In a report published earlier this year Dr. Seif Shaheen from King's College, London, and colleagues had suggested that asthma is linked to acetaminophen use in adults (Thorax 2000;55:266-70). Now, the same research team has just published additional findings, reinforcing the earlier results.
Researchers performed an ecological analysis to investigate if asthma and other allergic diseases, such as eczema and rhinitis was more common in countries with higher acetaminophen sales.
Acetaminophen sales and their association with atopic disease was investigated in 36 countries across the world.
They found that English speaking countries (the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand), which have some of the world's highest rates of allergic disease, also had some of the highest levels of acetaminophen sales.
The prevalence of wheeze in adolescents increased, on average, by half a per cent for each gram increase in acetaminophen sales, per head of population.
Researchers hypothesize that the link may be due to the fact that acetaminophen reduces levels of the antioxidant glutathione in immune cells, thus impairing antioxidant defenses and promoting allergic inflammation.
Dr Shaheen said recent in vitro studies suggest that depletion of gluthatione can occur after clinically relevant doses of acetaminophen.
The earlier study in Thorax had found that daily acetaminophen users had a 138% increased incidence of asthma and weekly users had a 79% increase.
High consumption of acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol and other products, might increase the risks of asthma and help to partially explain why it is so much more prevalent in English speaking countries than elsewhere.
In a report published earlier this year Dr. Seif Shaheen from King's College, London, and colleagues had suggested that asthma is linked to acetaminophen use in adults (Thorax 2000;55:266-70). Now, the same research team has just published additional findings, reinforcing the earlier results.
Researchers performed an ecological analysis to investigate if asthma and other allergic diseases, such as eczema and rhinitis was more common in countries with higher acetaminophen sales.
Acetaminophen sales and their association with atopic disease was investigated in 36 countries across the world.
They found that English speaking countries (the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand), which have some of the world's highest rates of allergic disease, also had some of the highest levels of acetaminophen sales.
The prevalence of wheeze in adolescents increased, on average, by half a per cent for each gram increase in acetaminophen sales, per head of population.
Researchers hypothesize that the link may be due to the fact that acetaminophen reduces levels of the antioxidant glutathione in immune cells, thus impairing antioxidant defenses and promoting allergic inflammation.
Dr Shaheen said recent in vitro studies suggest that depletion of gluthatione can occur after clinically relevant doses of acetaminophen.
The earlier study in Thorax had found that daily acetaminophen users had a 138% increased incidence of asthma and weekly users had a 79% increase.
Contrary To What Allopaths Tell Your Patients -- Ear Tubes Do Not Help
Contrary To What Allopaths Tell Your Patients -- Ear Tubes Do Not Help
(Children with persistent ear infections and fluid in the ear often have draining tubes placed in their ears, based on concerns that the ear problems may lead to long-term hearing, speech, behavioral and intellectual impairments. But it appears that children who get the tubes immediately don't have an advantage compared with those who wait up to nine months to have the surgery.
Compared to children with chronic fluid in their ears who received ear tubes without delay, children who did not have tubes inserted immediately scored just as well at age three on tests of speech, hearing, language, mental abilities, parent-child stress and behavior, researchers report The New England Journal of Medicine 2001;344:1179-1195,1241-1242)
Ear Infection Antibiotics Overprescribed
Experts say the routine use of antibiotics against pediatric ear infections produces little health benefit while contributing to the spread of drug-resistant bacteria. The article evaluated the results of seven different studies conducted over the past 30 years. They found that while antibiotics were linked to short-term decreases in the duration of pain or fever in patients in a few (but not all) of the studies, no long-term (more than six weeks) benefits are reported. All seven studies concluded that children recovered from ear infections at roughly similar rates, regardless of type of treatment.
The authors believe the frequent use of antibiotics for common ear infections raises risks that children will harbor drug-resistant bacteria during subsequent illness. They point out that children whose previous ear infections were treated with antibiotics have a rate of Ampicillin (amoxicillin)-resistant bacteria that is three times higher during subsequent otitis media episodes In extreme cases, deaths from drug-resistant meningitis have been linked to built-up antibiotic resistance traced to previous treatment for ear infection.
The experts advocate that except in severe, recurrent cases, infants and toddlers with ear infections should be initially treated with 'symptom-relieving' drugs such as Acetaminophen and nasal decongestants. If symptoms persist past three days, antibiotics can be considered at that time. JAMA November 26,1997;278(20):1643-1645
(Children with persistent ear infections and fluid in the ear often have draining tubes placed in their ears, based on concerns that the ear problems may lead to long-term hearing, speech, behavioral and intellectual impairments. But it appears that children who get the tubes immediately don't have an advantage compared with those who wait up to nine months to have the surgery.
Compared to children with chronic fluid in their ears who received ear tubes without delay, children who did not have tubes inserted immediately scored just as well at age three on tests of speech, hearing, language, mental abilities, parent-child stress and behavior, researchers report The New England Journal of Medicine 2001;344:1179-1195,1241-1242)
Ear Infection Antibiotics Overprescribed
Experts say the routine use of antibiotics against pediatric ear infections produces little health benefit while contributing to the spread of drug-resistant bacteria. The article evaluated the results of seven different studies conducted over the past 30 years. They found that while antibiotics were linked to short-term decreases in the duration of pain or fever in patients in a few (but not all) of the studies, no long-term (more than six weeks) benefits are reported. All seven studies concluded that children recovered from ear infections at roughly similar rates, regardless of type of treatment.
The authors believe the frequent use of antibiotics for common ear infections raises risks that children will harbor drug-resistant bacteria during subsequent illness. They point out that children whose previous ear infections were treated with antibiotics have a rate of Ampicillin (amoxicillin)-resistant bacteria that is three times higher during subsequent otitis media episodes In extreme cases, deaths from drug-resistant meningitis have been linked to built-up antibiotic resistance traced to previous treatment for ear infection.
The experts advocate that except in severe, recurrent cases, infants and toddlers with ear infections should be initially treated with 'symptom-relieving' drugs such as Acetaminophen and nasal decongestants. If symptoms persist past three days, antibiotics can be considered at that time. JAMA November 26,1997;278(20):1643-1645
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. In its exemplary form, it is based on universal intellectual values that transcend subject matter divisions: clarity, accuracy, precision, consistency, relevance, sound evidence, good reasons, depth, breadth, and fairness. It entails the examination of those structures or elements of thought implicit in all reasoning: purpose, problem, or question-at-issue; assumptions; concepts; empirical grounding; reasoning leading to conclusions; implications and consequences; objections from alternative viewpoints; and frame of reference.
Critical thinking - in being responsive to variable subject matter, issues, and purposes - is incorporated in a family of interwoven modes of thinking, among them: scientific thinking, mathematical thinking, historical thinking, anthropological thinking, economic thinking, moral thinking, and philosophical thinking.
Critical thinking can be seen as having two components: 1) a set of information and belief generating and processing skills, and 2) the habit, based on intellectual commitment, of using those skills to guide behavior.
It is thus to be contrasted with: 1) the mere acquisition and retention of information alone, because it involves a particular way in which information is sought and treated; 2) the mere possession of a set of skills, because it involves the continual use of them; and 3) the mere use of those skills ("as an exercise") without acceptance of their results.
Critical thinking varies according to the motivation underlying it. When grounded in selfish motives, it is often manifested in the skillful manipulation of ideas in service of one's own, or one's groups', vested interest. As such it is typically intellectually flawed, however pragmatically successful it might be. When grounded in fair-mindedness and intellectual integrity, it is typically of a higher order intellectually, though subject to the charge of "idealism" by those habituated to its selfish use.
Critical thinking of any kind is never universal in any individual; everyone is subject to episodes of undisciplined or irrational thought. Its quality is therefore typically a matter of degree and dependent on , among other things, the quality and depth of experience in a given domain of thinking or with respect to a particular class of questions. No one is a critical thinker through-and-through, but only to such-and-such a degree, with such-and-such insights and blind spots, subject to such-and-such tendencies towards self-delusion. For this reason, the development of critical thinking skills and dispositions is a life-long endeavor.
Critical thinking - in being responsive to variable subject matter, issues, and purposes - is incorporated in a family of interwoven modes of thinking, among them: scientific thinking, mathematical thinking, historical thinking, anthropological thinking, economic thinking, moral thinking, and philosophical thinking.
Critical thinking can be seen as having two components: 1) a set of information and belief generating and processing skills, and 2) the habit, based on intellectual commitment, of using those skills to guide behavior.
It is thus to be contrasted with: 1) the mere acquisition and retention of information alone, because it involves a particular way in which information is sought and treated; 2) the mere possession of a set of skills, because it involves the continual use of them; and 3) the mere use of those skills ("as an exercise") without acceptance of their results.
Critical thinking varies according to the motivation underlying it. When grounded in selfish motives, it is often manifested in the skillful manipulation of ideas in service of one's own, or one's groups', vested interest. As such it is typically intellectually flawed, however pragmatically successful it might be. When grounded in fair-mindedness and intellectual integrity, it is typically of a higher order intellectually, though subject to the charge of "idealism" by those habituated to its selfish use.
Critical thinking of any kind is never universal in any individual; everyone is subject to episodes of undisciplined or irrational thought. Its quality is therefore typically a matter of degree and dependent on , among other things, the quality and depth of experience in a given domain of thinking or with respect to a particular class of questions. No one is a critical thinker through-and-through, but only to such-and-such a degree, with such-and-such insights and blind spots, subject to such-and-such tendencies towards self-delusion. For this reason, the development of critical thinking skills and dispositions is a life-long endeavor.
Dr. Clary's Treatment
Because analysis and correction are not limited to just the area of pain and symptom, integration tends to be more complete and healing experiences are deeper in all areas of the body, mind, and emotions. Dr. Clary treats patients with many mental health disorders, children with ADHD, autism, cerebral palsy and other developmental disorders. Dr. Clary also treats professional and world record holding athletes.
Vitalism : The doctrine of vitalism holds that life processes are guided by non material vital principle and are, thus, unable to be fully explained as physical and chemical phenomena. Most vitalistic practitioners today use natural methods which ALLOW the body to change itself.
Vitalism maintains that;
"the organism is reactive, at all times coping with, and attempting to overcome, the stresses which impinge upon it from outside. It behaves purposively, the nature and form of its reaction being determined by the specific environmental stress encountered. It responds to challenge, which no aggregate or assembly of non-living substances can ever do". (Divided Legacy, Harris Counter, pg. xvii.)
Vitalism maintains that;
"the organism is reactive, at all times coping with, and attempting to overcome, the stresses which impinge upon it from outside. It behaves purposively, the nature and form of its reaction being determined by the specific environmental stress encountered. It responds to challenge, which no aggregate or assembly of non-living substances can ever do". (Divided Legacy, Harris Counter, pg. xvii.)
High-level wellness
High-level wellness is a life-style-focused approach, which allows the individual to personally design a way to achieve optimal wellness within the limits of his or her own capacity. Life-style-focused approach to wellness is an integrated, ever changing state, which focuses on self-responsibility, accountability, nutritional awareness, physical fitness, stress management and environmental sensitivity as critical components of optimal wellness.
Wellness is a dynamic state
Wellness : Wellness is a dynamic state, reflecting growth and change physically, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, vocationally and socially. It is not a STATIC state. Wellness is an active process through which an individual makes choices and adaptations passively and actively which result in a more successful existence.
Adaptation: Health depends on the ability to maintain a physiological, mental and social balance despite changes in the ever-changing external and internal environment through the use of regulatory mechanisms within oneself. The state of dynamic balance is called homeostasis.
All available history records suggest that many ideas of wellness and health developed long before the advent of modern allopathic medicine and chiropractic.
Health can thus be defined as a state of abtaptness which permits the person concerned to function as effectively as long as possible in the environment where chance and choice has placed him.
All available history records suggest that many ideas of wellness and health developed long before the advent of modern allopathic medicine and chiropractic.
Health can thus be defined as a state of abtaptness which permits the person concerned to function as effectively as long as possible in the environment where chance and choice has placed him.
Traditional allopathic medicine
Traditional allopathic medicine has defined health as merely the absence of disease. This foundational definition has limited allopathy to limit its goals as the eradication of pathogens or the attainment of certain lab values. Present evidence has accumulated to show that the health state involves more than the lack of detectable pathogens in the body or attainment of certain lab value ranges. In the face of this information, the basic position of traditional allopathic medicine concerning the achievement of health has not changed. Medical schools and managed care organizations, with their emphasis on a diagnosis and rationed care, promulgate this traditional orientation by teaching that diagnosis and treatment of the named “disease” is the major pathway to health.
The Chiropractic Subluxation Complex and the Child
The Chiropractic Subluxation Complex and the Child
1) There is a difference between a chiropractic subluxation and a medical subluxation. A medical subluxation has more gross (immediate) physical damage.
2) A chiropractic subluxation (VSC) as well as subluxation degeneration are unique technical terms for our profession. (Just like HIO, Gonstead, Pettibon, Drop Piece, Activator Instrument, etc.) (All professions have unique terminology)
3) The “chiropractic subluxation” (VSC) and subluxation degeneration is a physical condition of the spine backed by thousands of pages of research (medical, osteopathic and chiropractic) (Politics & Philosophy can not Change This)
4) Many types of conditions/circumstances can cause a chiropractic subluxation and there are many types of subluxations.
5) Because of all the above, many types of spinal adjustments / techniques are then needed
1) Subluxation is overlooked in Children
2) Subluxations have a profound effect on the immature nervous system
b) Compound the Effects of Trauma/Birth Trauma
c) Compound the Effect of Immunization / Drugs
d) Lead to Scoliosis
e) Abnormal Emotional Adaptation
f) ADD
g) Asthma
h) Infections (Ear/URT)
i) Colic
3) Uniqueness of immature nervous system
a) Increased “Spinal Learning” (increased neuro-arborization, increased neuro- plasticity)
b) Biomechanical differences versus adults (C2/ Facet Angle/Foramen Magnum)
1) There is a difference between a chiropractic subluxation and a medical subluxation. A medical subluxation has more gross (immediate) physical damage.
2) A chiropractic subluxation (VSC) as well as subluxation degeneration are unique technical terms for our profession. (Just like HIO, Gonstead, Pettibon, Drop Piece, Activator Instrument, etc.) (All professions have unique terminology)
3) The “chiropractic subluxation” (VSC) and subluxation degeneration is a physical condition of the spine backed by thousands of pages of research (medical, osteopathic and chiropractic) (Politics & Philosophy can not Change This)
4) Many types of conditions/circumstances can cause a chiropractic subluxation and there are many types of subluxations.
5) Because of all the above, many types of spinal adjustments / techniques are then needed
1) Subluxation is overlooked in Children
2) Subluxations have a profound effect on the immature nervous system
b) Compound the Effects of Trauma/Birth Trauma
c) Compound the Effect of Immunization / Drugs
d) Lead to Scoliosis
e) Abnormal Emotional Adaptation
f) ADD
g) Asthma
h) Infections (Ear/URT)
i) Colic
3) Uniqueness of immature nervous system
a) Increased “Spinal Learning” (increased neuro-arborization, increased neuro- plasticity)
b) Biomechanical differences versus adults (C2/ Facet Angle/Foramen Magnum)
Drug firms control medical studies
Thursday, October 24, 2002 - 12:00 a.m. Pacific
Drug firms control medical studies
By Linda A. Johnson
The Associated Press
Drug companies that pay for major testing of most new medicines give participating university researchers little or no say in how studies are designed and how findings are handled, a survey found. The survey of 108 medical schools, published in today's New England Journal of Medicine, is the latest sign of growing concern about conflicts of interest between those doing scientific research and pharmaceutical companies sponsoring it.
"What the institutions have told us is they feel almost powerless in these contracts," said Dr. Kevin Schulman, a Duke University Medical Center professor who led the survey.
While federal agencies sponsor much early research, large-scale studies of drugs' safety and effectiveness usually are funded by manufacturers. Typically, companies hire medical-school faculty members to carry out studies.
But some scientists worry their lack of control could threaten the integrity of research and the safety of participants. Among other things, pharmaceutical companies have sponsored research that found a drug didn't work or was dangerous, then suppressed the results.
Concerned about the problem, the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors in 2001 published guidelines for research contracts between medical schools and the pharmaceutical industry. Researchers at Duke University interviewed officials at U.S. medical schools last winter and reviewed some of their research contracts to determine how many complied with the new guidelines. Only a minority did.
Schulman said researchers have less and less control over patient trials as more and more studies include dozens of medical centers, a strategy meant to bring results faster.
Among the study's findings:
. Researchers rarely were allowed a say in the design of clinical trials,
with only 10 percent of contracts covering how data is collected and
monitored and only 5 percent covering how data is analyzed and interpreted.
. Fewer than 1 percent of contracts guaranteed that results would be
published and that an independent committee would have control over that.
But 40 percent of contracts addressed editorial control of manuscripts.
. Only 1 percent of contracts required an independent board to monitor
patient safety. Such boards can stop a study early if the treatment is found
to be harmful.
Financial ties between academic researchers and industry sponsors already are under scrutiny for apparent conflicts of interest, as when researchers receive stock in a company testing an experimental drug.
The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America last summer established voluntary guidelines for clinical research, but they are "basically toothless," said Dr. Jeffrey M. Drazen, editor of the New England
Journal. "The system would be better served if there were universally accepted contractual language," he wrote.
Drug firms control medical studies
By Linda A. Johnson
The Associated Press
Drug companies that pay for major testing of most new medicines give participating university researchers little or no say in how studies are designed and how findings are handled, a survey found. The survey of 108 medical schools, published in today's New England Journal of Medicine, is the latest sign of growing concern about conflicts of interest between those doing scientific research and pharmaceutical companies sponsoring it.
"What the institutions have told us is they feel almost powerless in these contracts," said Dr. Kevin Schulman, a Duke University Medical Center professor who led the survey.
While federal agencies sponsor much early research, large-scale studies of drugs' safety and effectiveness usually are funded by manufacturers. Typically, companies hire medical-school faculty members to carry out studies.
But some scientists worry their lack of control could threaten the integrity of research and the safety of participants. Among other things, pharmaceutical companies have sponsored research that found a drug didn't work or was dangerous, then suppressed the results.
Concerned about the problem, the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors in 2001 published guidelines for research contracts between medical schools and the pharmaceutical industry. Researchers at Duke University interviewed officials at U.S. medical schools last winter and reviewed some of their research contracts to determine how many complied with the new guidelines. Only a minority did.
Schulman said researchers have less and less control over patient trials as more and more studies include dozens of medical centers, a strategy meant to bring results faster.
Among the study's findings:
. Researchers rarely were allowed a say in the design of clinical trials,
with only 10 percent of contracts covering how data is collected and
monitored and only 5 percent covering how data is analyzed and interpreted.
. Fewer than 1 percent of contracts guaranteed that results would be
published and that an independent committee would have control over that.
But 40 percent of contracts addressed editorial control of manuscripts.
. Only 1 percent of contracts required an independent board to monitor
patient safety. Such boards can stop a study early if the treatment is found
to be harmful.
Financial ties between academic researchers and industry sponsors already are under scrutiny for apparent conflicts of interest, as when researchers receive stock in a company testing an experimental drug.
The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America last summer established voluntary guidelines for clinical research, but they are "basically toothless," said Dr. Jeffrey M. Drazen, editor of the New England
Journal. "The system would be better served if there were universally accepted contractual language," he wrote.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Feeling your Best in Life!
Wellness Care and Peak Performance
Feeling your Best in Life!
Numerous studies of hundreds to thousands of people over the last decade or more continue to reveal powerful improvements in the function of all systems of the body with gentle, corrective chiropractic care. Benefits were noted in mental/emotional as well as physical health involving less stress and more life enjoyment.
They were reported within 1-3 months of care and continued to increase without a plateau. Improved vitality, concentration and social functioning along with reduced work absence, time in hospitals and nursing homes, and medication needs were demonstrated.
You consider yourself a reasonably healthy person with no diagnosable diseases. You rarely miss a day of work due to a cold, flu or headache and compared to many people you are getting by just fine. However, you would really like to maximize your immune system’s ability to keep you well and to “invest” in your health for the future.
You already have improved your nutrition, exercise regularly, drink lots of water, and are attempting to control life’s stresses. You are curious about the role of your nervous system in improving your immune function and overall self-healing ability.
You are an athlete who wants to perform at your peak. You are interested in any factors that may enhance your competitive edge. You want your body to be in complete alignment and synchronized timing so that you may command optimal function at the sound of the starter’s gun.
You have recently been reading about Dan O’Brien (previous Olympic gold medal decathlon winner) and many other top athletes like Evander Holyfield and John Smoltz who attribute their winning edge largely to their regular chiropractic care directed at clearing nervous system interference.
An increasing number of top athletes and performers now understand and receive the benefits of corrective chiropractic. People in various life stages with differing needs are also receiving powerful benefits.
Business people may need expansive creativity while pursuing the pinnacle of achievement.
Homemakers may require more energy to keep pace with their kids.
Spiritual seekers may desire to keep the communication line to God as clear as possible.
Students may wish to maximize intellectual clarity and memory.
All systems function better with optimal nervous system communication.
We have helped people of all ages involved in a broad array of life pursuits to feel better physically and emotionally which they have reported has also permitted enhancements in their mental and spiritual lives. This has often dramatically been the case for patients who have been under wellness care for months to years on some regular basis. Less sickness and improved energy, vitality and enthusiasm have been at the core for many and greater balance, flexibility and agility for others.
If you choose to work with us, there is a realistic hope that these could be your results.
Feeling your Best in Life!
Numerous studies of hundreds to thousands of people over the last decade or more continue to reveal powerful improvements in the function of all systems of the body with gentle, corrective chiropractic care. Benefits were noted in mental/emotional as well as physical health involving less stress and more life enjoyment.
They were reported within 1-3 months of care and continued to increase without a plateau. Improved vitality, concentration and social functioning along with reduced work absence, time in hospitals and nursing homes, and medication needs were demonstrated.
You consider yourself a reasonably healthy person with no diagnosable diseases. You rarely miss a day of work due to a cold, flu or headache and compared to many people you are getting by just fine. However, you would really like to maximize your immune system’s ability to keep you well and to “invest” in your health for the future.
You already have improved your nutrition, exercise regularly, drink lots of water, and are attempting to control life’s stresses. You are curious about the role of your nervous system in improving your immune function and overall self-healing ability.
You are an athlete who wants to perform at your peak. You are interested in any factors that may enhance your competitive edge. You want your body to be in complete alignment and synchronized timing so that you may command optimal function at the sound of the starter’s gun.
You have recently been reading about Dan O’Brien (previous Olympic gold medal decathlon winner) and many other top athletes like Evander Holyfield and John Smoltz who attribute their winning edge largely to their regular chiropractic care directed at clearing nervous system interference.
An increasing number of top athletes and performers now understand and receive the benefits of corrective chiropractic. People in various life stages with differing needs are also receiving powerful benefits.
Business people may need expansive creativity while pursuing the pinnacle of achievement.
Homemakers may require more energy to keep pace with their kids.
Spiritual seekers may desire to keep the communication line to God as clear as possible.
Students may wish to maximize intellectual clarity and memory.
All systems function better with optimal nervous system communication.
We have helped people of all ages involved in a broad array of life pursuits to feel better physically and emotionally which they have reported has also permitted enhancements in their mental and spiritual lives. This has often dramatically been the case for patients who have been under wellness care for months to years on some regular basis. Less sickness and improved energy, vitality and enthusiasm have been at the core for many and greater balance, flexibility and agility for others.
If you choose to work with us, there is a realistic hope that these could be your results.
Dr. Clary’s Mission Statement
Dr. Clary’s Mission Statement
To provide loving and caring service to our patients, from infants to the elderly, with the goal of detecting and correcting the interference with their God given physical promise.
My purpose is to enable the human body to achieve optimum function, potential and wellness.
To serve as a portal-o f-entry to resources (physical, mental and spiritual) to those that have been over looked or forgotten in our current health care system.
My vision is to see the citizens of our town; our county, our state, our country, and the world reach their highest physical and spiritual calling. Pain and decreased enjoyment of life is not tolerable.
To provide loving and caring service to our patients, from infants to the elderly, with the goal of detecting and correcting the interference with their God given physical promise.
My purpose is to enable the human body to achieve optimum function, potential and wellness.
To serve as a portal-o f-entry to resources (physical, mental and spiritual) to those that have been over looked or forgotten in our current health care system.
My vision is to see the citizens of our town; our county, our state, our country, and the world reach their highest physical and spiritual calling. Pain and decreased enjoyment of life is not tolerable.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Dysponesis: Dysponesis is defined as a reversible physiological state consisting of unnoticed, misdirected neuro-physical reactions (e.g. abnormal muscle activity) to various agents (environmental events, bodily sensations, emotions, and thoughts) and the repercussions of these reactions throughout the organism. These errors in energy expenditure that are capable of producing functional disorders consist mainly of covert errors in action, potential output from the motor and pre-motor areas of the cortex, and consequences of that output.
The resulting aberrant muscle activity may be evaluated using surface electrode techniques. Typically, static SMEG with axial loading is used to evaluate innate responses to gravitational stress. Dysponesis may also be disclosed by postural analysis.
The early stages of the vertebral subluxation complex in children will exhibit dysponesis.
This symptom-less states taxes energy from the body and cause abnormal muscle balance across motor units. This kinesopathology can lead to structure changes in the developing
musculoskeltetal system and thus aberrant neurological input into the central nervous system.
This aberrant input may lead to permanent changes in the developing central nervous system. (Sensory, Motor, Personality, Integration, Intellectual Processing)
Dysponesis clarifies the momentous consequences of prolonged VSC in children.
The resulting aberrant muscle activity may be evaluated using surface electrode techniques. Typically, static SMEG with axial loading is used to evaluate innate responses to gravitational stress. Dysponesis may also be disclosed by postural analysis.
The early stages of the vertebral subluxation complex in children will exhibit dysponesis.
This symptom-less states taxes energy from the body and cause abnormal muscle balance across motor units. This kinesopathology can lead to structure changes in the developing
musculoskeltetal system and thus aberrant neurological input into the central nervous system.
This aberrant input may lead to permanent changes in the developing central nervous system. (Sensory, Motor, Personality, Integration, Intellectual Processing)
Dysponesis clarifies the momentous consequences of prolonged VSC in children.
Wellness is a dynamic state, reflecting growth and change physically, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, vocationally and socially. It is not a STATIC state. Wellness is an active process through which an individual makes choices and adaptations passively and actively which result in a more successful existence.
High-level wellness is a life-style-focused approach, which allows the individual to personally design a way to achieve optimal wellness within the limits of his or her own capacity. Life-style-focused approach to wellness is an integrated, ever changing state, which focuses on self-responsibility, accountability, nutritional awareness, physical fitness, stress management and environmental sensitivity as critical components of optimal wellness.
Vitalism : The doctrine of vitalism holds that life processes are guided by non material vital principle and are, thus, unable to be fully explained as physical and chemical phenomena. Most vitalistic practitioners today use natural methods which ALLOW the body to change itself.
Vitalism maintains that;
"the organism is reactive, at all times coping with, and attempting to overcome, the stresses which impinge upon it from outside. It behaves purposively, the nature and form of its reaction being determined by the specific environmental stress encountered. It responds to challenge, which no aggregate or assembly of non-living substances can ever do". (Divided Legacy, Harris Counter, pg. xvii.)
Quantum Vitalism : The testable hypothesis that life is a process intimately linked to the fundamental level of the universe; particular biological systems (cells, tissues, organisms) have a "unitary oneness" based on macroscopic quantum coherence; the flow of Innate Intelligence/ ch'i energy/information through tissues is related to sequences of emergence/collapse of quantum status in biomolecular systems.
High-level wellness is a life-style-focused approach, which allows the individual to personally design a way to achieve optimal wellness within the limits of his or her own capacity. Life-style-focused approach to wellness is an integrated, ever changing state, which focuses on self-responsibility, accountability, nutritional awareness, physical fitness, stress management and environmental sensitivity as critical components of optimal wellness.
Vitalism : The doctrine of vitalism holds that life processes are guided by non material vital principle and are, thus, unable to be fully explained as physical and chemical phenomena. Most vitalistic practitioners today use natural methods which ALLOW the body to change itself.
Vitalism maintains that;
"the organism is reactive, at all times coping with, and attempting to overcome, the stresses which impinge upon it from outside. It behaves purposively, the nature and form of its reaction being determined by the specific environmental stress encountered. It responds to challenge, which no aggregate or assembly of non-living substances can ever do". (Divided Legacy, Harris Counter, pg. xvii.)
Quantum Vitalism : The testable hypothesis that life is a process intimately linked to the fundamental level of the universe; particular biological systems (cells, tissues, organisms) have a "unitary oneness" based on macroscopic quantum coherence; the flow of Innate Intelligence/ ch'i energy/information through tissues is related to sequences of emergence/collapse of quantum status in biomolecular systems.
Pediatric Chiropractic Paradigm
Pediatric Chiropractic Paradigm
Chiropractic is concerned with the enhancement, promotion, preservation and restoration of health and focuses particular attention on the subluxation. A chiropractic vertebral subluxation complex (VSC) is a complex of functional and/ or structural and/or pathological articular changes that compromise neural integrity and may influence the homeostasis of multiple organ systems and the body as a whole. The chiropractic vertebral subluxation complex can only be evaluated by chiropractors utilizing profession specific procedures based on the best available rational, scientific, empirical evidence. Over 100 years of chiropractic care for children has shown in the scientific literature to be the safest interventional health care modality available to the public.
The role of the chiropractor, though trained and educated in the function of disease labeling and therapy, is to identify and correct vertebral subluxation complexes that have a profound negative impact on the physiological development of the child. Health promotion through well child maintenance care as well as VSC corrective care is an invaluable contribution the chiropractor can make to the health and well being of the child. Since human function and innate homeostasis is neurologically integrated, Doctors of Chiropractic evaluate and facilitate biomechanical and neuro-biological function though the appropriate application of the chiropractic adjustment and diagnostic procedures. When the pediatric patient’s homeostasis is overwhelmed and produces an identifiable disease, the pediatric patient moved from wellness into the interventionist medical paradigm, the chiropractic focus on the location and adjustment of the VSC remains unchanged. This dedicated therapeutic focus does not exempt the chiropractor from the responsibilities of practicing the art and science of whole body diagnosis.
Even in the most severe disease states, chiropractic has a critical role to play in the management of the pediatric patient who clearly belongs within the allopathic interventionist model. Disease is a struggle to maintain homeostatic balance of the body despite tissue damage and chiropractic adjustments move the child closer to wellness and away from pathologic dysfunction of tissues and organ systems. By contrast, allopathy has little role to play in the management of the patient who fits within the chiropractic wellness paradigm because of the lack of an identifiable pathology. Even preventive measures such as prophylaxis for asthma are dependent for their implementation upon the manifestation of the disease in the first place. Chiropractic care has been proven effective in positively effecting children with various “named” disease manifestations and empirically has blamed for the increased general health status of chiropractically treated children versus the general allopathic population.
Therefore, direct access and widespread utilization of chiropractic care is an integral part of the pediatric patient’s healthy development. Chiropractic should be included first in the health care planning of every child.
Chiropractic is concerned with the enhancement, promotion, preservation and restoration of health and focuses particular attention on the subluxation. A chiropractic vertebral subluxation complex (VSC) is a complex of functional and/ or structural and/or pathological articular changes that compromise neural integrity and may influence the homeostasis of multiple organ systems and the body as a whole. The chiropractic vertebral subluxation complex can only be evaluated by chiropractors utilizing profession specific procedures based on the best available rational, scientific, empirical evidence. Over 100 years of chiropractic care for children has shown in the scientific literature to be the safest interventional health care modality available to the public.
The role of the chiropractor, though trained and educated in the function of disease labeling and therapy, is to identify and correct vertebral subluxation complexes that have a profound negative impact on the physiological development of the child. Health promotion through well child maintenance care as well as VSC corrective care is an invaluable contribution the chiropractor can make to the health and well being of the child. Since human function and innate homeostasis is neurologically integrated, Doctors of Chiropractic evaluate and facilitate biomechanical and neuro-biological function though the appropriate application of the chiropractic adjustment and diagnostic procedures. When the pediatric patient’s homeostasis is overwhelmed and produces an identifiable disease, the pediatric patient moved from wellness into the interventionist medical paradigm, the chiropractic focus on the location and adjustment of the VSC remains unchanged. This dedicated therapeutic focus does not exempt the chiropractor from the responsibilities of practicing the art and science of whole body diagnosis.
Even in the most severe disease states, chiropractic has a critical role to play in the management of the pediatric patient who clearly belongs within the allopathic interventionist model. Disease is a struggle to maintain homeostatic balance of the body despite tissue damage and chiropractic adjustments move the child closer to wellness and away from pathologic dysfunction of tissues and organ systems. By contrast, allopathy has little role to play in the management of the patient who fits within the chiropractic wellness paradigm because of the lack of an identifiable pathology. Even preventive measures such as prophylaxis for asthma are dependent for their implementation upon the manifestation of the disease in the first place. Chiropractic care has been proven effective in positively effecting children with various “named” disease manifestations and empirically has blamed for the increased general health status of chiropractically treated children versus the general allopathic population.
Therefore, direct access and widespread utilization of chiropractic care is an integral part of the pediatric patient’s healthy development. Chiropractic should be included first in the health care planning of every child.
Chiropractic Child Care
Child Care
Chiropractic is the largest, most established and widely licensed of the health care professions. Chiropractic emphasizes the innate, intrinsic recuperative power of the body to heal and reach its individual full mental, emotional and physical potential without the use of man-made chemicals / toxins/drugs and also without the removal of body tissue.
The practice of chiropractic focuses on the relationship between structure (primarily the spine) and function (as coordinated primarily the nerve system) and how that relationship affects normal progression of human potential and the restoration of health.
Chiropractors have cared for children in the course of general practice since the origin of the profession. Chiropractic education and training specifically in pediatrics appeared at chiropractic colleges as early as the second decade of the twentieth century. Postgraduate specialization in the field of chiropractic pediatrics is a recent evolution of chiropractic clinical sciences. Chiropractic has traditionally held well childcare as the fundamental role of the profession.
All state and federal laws governing the authority and responsibilities of doctors of chiropractic provide for full access to and accountability for the care of humans of all ages, including children. Chiropractors are educated and trained in the appropriate use of currently accepted diagnostic technology and procedures including whole body physical and laboratory diagnosis, x-ray, thermography, video-fluoroscopy, magnetic resonance imaging and other standard investigative technologies and procedures as it pertains specifically to the use with children. No component of chiropractic patient care is diminished in importance when caring for a child. A doctor of chiropractic must perform a proper physical examination and a careful history and interview with the responsible family members or legal guardian. An appropriate treatment plan must be determined and individually tailored to the patient’s functional status, physiological maturity and physical development.
The doctor of chiropractic is a primary care provider, who serves as a portal-of-entry into the health care system. The chiropractor also acts as a primary care provider for the pediatric patient and is the only professional competent to evaluate the chiropractic care needs of the child. Part of the function of a primary provider is the capacity to evaluate the health care needs of the pediatric patient including the appropriate referrals to other health care professionals when such a referral is clinically warranted and will pose no potential of harm.
Chiropractic is the largest, most established and widely licensed of the health care professions. Chiropractic emphasizes the innate, intrinsic recuperative power of the body to heal and reach its individual full mental, emotional and physical potential without the use of man-made chemicals / toxins/drugs and also without the removal of body tissue.
The practice of chiropractic focuses on the relationship between structure (primarily the spine) and function (as coordinated primarily the nerve system) and how that relationship affects normal progression of human potential and the restoration of health.
Chiropractors have cared for children in the course of general practice since the origin of the profession. Chiropractic education and training specifically in pediatrics appeared at chiropractic colleges as early as the second decade of the twentieth century. Postgraduate specialization in the field of chiropractic pediatrics is a recent evolution of chiropractic clinical sciences. Chiropractic has traditionally held well childcare as the fundamental role of the profession.
All state and federal laws governing the authority and responsibilities of doctors of chiropractic provide for full access to and accountability for the care of humans of all ages, including children. Chiropractors are educated and trained in the appropriate use of currently accepted diagnostic technology and procedures including whole body physical and laboratory diagnosis, x-ray, thermography, video-fluoroscopy, magnetic resonance imaging and other standard investigative technologies and procedures as it pertains specifically to the use with children. No component of chiropractic patient care is diminished in importance when caring for a child. A doctor of chiropractic must perform a proper physical examination and a careful history and interview with the responsible family members or legal guardian. An appropriate treatment plan must be determined and individually tailored to the patient’s functional status, physiological maturity and physical development.
The doctor of chiropractic is a primary care provider, who serves as a portal-of-entry into the health care system. The chiropractor also acts as a primary care provider for the pediatric patient and is the only professional competent to evaluate the chiropractic care needs of the child. Part of the function of a primary provider is the capacity to evaluate the health care needs of the pediatric patient including the appropriate referrals to other health care professionals when such a referral is clinically warranted and will pose no potential of harm.
Chiropractic Subluxations
Chiropractic Subluxations are like short-circuits within the body’s communication/nerve network. They are produced when a physical, chemical, or emotional stress occurs to or within the body that the nervous system cannot adapt to, at any given moment. Physical and postural adaptations result and produce the inefficiency and dysfunction in ones Breathing Patterns, Ability to walk or run. This “interference “ in function can lead to pain, stress, many dis-eases and a decreased enjoyment of life.
This alteration of nerve system function results in poor communication between your brain and your body and your body and your brain, which is not healthy. These subluxations can either be subtle (pain free) or not, as well as noticed or not.
This alteration of nerve system function results in poor communication between your brain and your body and your body and your brain, which is not healthy. These subluxations can either be subtle (pain free) or not, as well as noticed or not.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Drug firms control medical studies
Thursday, October 24, 2002 - 12:00 a.m. Pacific
Drug firms control medical studies
Drug companies that pay for major testing of most new medicines give participating university researchers little or no say in how studies are designed and how findings are handled, a survey found. The survey of 108 medical schools, published in today's New England Journal of Medicine, is the latest sign of growing concern about conflicts of interest between those doing scientific research and pharmaceutical companies sponsoring it.
"What the institutions have told us is they feel almost powerless in these contracts," said Dr. Kevin Schulman, a Duke University Medical Center professor who led the survey.
While federal agencies sponsor much early research, large-scale studies of drugs' safety and effectiveness usually are funded by manufacturers. Typically, companies hire medical-school faculty members to carry out studies.
But some scientists worry their lack of control could threaten the integrity of research and the safety of participants. Among other things, pharmaceutical companies have sponsored research that found a drug didn't work or was dangerous, then suppressed the results.
Concerned about the problem, the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors in 2001 published guidelines for research contracts between medical schools and the pharmaceutical industry. Researchers at Duke University interviewed officials at U.S. medical schools last winter and reviewed some of their research contracts to determine how many complied with the new guidelines. Only a minority did.
Schulman said researchers have less and less control over patient trials as more and more studies include dozens of medical centers, a strategy meant to bring results faster.
Among the study's findings:
. Researchers rarely were allowed a say in the design of clinical trials,
with only 10 percent of contracts covering how data is collected and
monitored and only 5 percent covering how data is analyzed and interpreted.
. Fewer than 1 percent of contracts guaranteed that results would be
published and that an independent committee would have control over that.
But 40 percent of contracts addressed editorial control of manuscripts.
. Only 1 percent of contracts required an independent board to monitor
patient safety. Such boards can stop a study early if the treatment is found
to be harmful.
Financial ties between academic researchers and industry sponsors already are under scrutiny for apparent conflicts of interest, as when researchers receive stock in a company testing an experimental drug.
The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America last summer established voluntary guidelines for clinical research, but they are "basically toothless," said Dr. Jeffrey M. Drazen, editor of the New England
Journal. "The system would be better served if there were universally accepted contractual language," he wrote.
Drug firms control medical studies
Drug companies that pay for major testing of most new medicines give participating university researchers little or no say in how studies are designed and how findings are handled, a survey found. The survey of 108 medical schools, published in today's New England Journal of Medicine, is the latest sign of growing concern about conflicts of interest between those doing scientific research and pharmaceutical companies sponsoring it.
"What the institutions have told us is they feel almost powerless in these contracts," said Dr. Kevin Schulman, a Duke University Medical Center professor who led the survey.
While federal agencies sponsor much early research, large-scale studies of drugs' safety and effectiveness usually are funded by manufacturers. Typically, companies hire medical-school faculty members to carry out studies.
But some scientists worry their lack of control could threaten the integrity of research and the safety of participants. Among other things, pharmaceutical companies have sponsored research that found a drug didn't work or was dangerous, then suppressed the results.
Concerned about the problem, the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors in 2001 published guidelines for research contracts between medical schools and the pharmaceutical industry. Researchers at Duke University interviewed officials at U.S. medical schools last winter and reviewed some of their research contracts to determine how many complied with the new guidelines. Only a minority did.
Schulman said researchers have less and less control over patient trials as more and more studies include dozens of medical centers, a strategy meant to bring results faster.
Among the study's findings:
. Researchers rarely were allowed a say in the design of clinical trials,
with only 10 percent of contracts covering how data is collected and
monitored and only 5 percent covering how data is analyzed and interpreted.
. Fewer than 1 percent of contracts guaranteed that results would be
published and that an independent committee would have control over that.
But 40 percent of contracts addressed editorial control of manuscripts.
. Only 1 percent of contracts required an independent board to monitor
patient safety. Such boards can stop a study early if the treatment is found
to be harmful.
Financial ties between academic researchers and industry sponsors already are under scrutiny for apparent conflicts of interest, as when researchers receive stock in a company testing an experimental drug.
The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America last summer established voluntary guidelines for clinical research, but they are "basically toothless," said Dr. Jeffrey M. Drazen, editor of the New England
Journal. "The system would be better served if there were universally accepted contractual language," he wrote.
Evidence or Eminence Based Medicine?
Evidence or Eminence Based Medicine?
“Power to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
What are the results?
When one begins comparisons with medical / allopathic procedures, the statistics really begin to spin one’s head. Using a baseline figure of one per one million as an estimate of stroke incidence attributed to cervical manipulations (not just chiropractic, but all such procedures), one finds a:
The 225,000 deaths per year attributed to medical iatrogenesis (allopathy) have propelled it to the third leading cause of death, after heart disease and cancer.
Absolute, testosterone charged, black and white statements by heroic allopathic physicians will have to give way to the gray world of reality and hard numbers brought to us by evidence and real science – rather than Eminence based medicine and allopathic-religious superstitions.
“Power to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
- The Entire Chiropractic Profession has only 70 full time researchers
- The drug company Pfizer has 12,000 full time researchers
- Less than 5% of full time DC Faculty at chiropractic institutions are involved in chiropractic research
- The total budget (for Everything) for all our chiropractic institutions is a mere $224 million
- Of that $224 million of the total budget, our chiropractic institutions spend only $4 million on research programs
- Harvard University receives $739 million a year from the NIH alone just to do research
- In the entire 100+ year history of the chiropractic profession, chiropractic has received less than $10 million from the federal government to do research
- The top 25 medical schools received $6 Billion from just the NIH in 2000 alone
What are the results?
When one begins comparisons with medical / allopathic procedures, the statistics really begin to spin one’s head. Using a baseline figure of one per one million as an estimate of stroke incidence attributed to cervical manipulations (not just chiropractic, but all such procedures), one finds a:
- Two Times greater risk of dying from transfusing one unit of blood
- 100 Times greater risk of dying from general anesthesia
- 160-400 Times greater risk of dying from the use of NSAIDS
- 700 times greater risk of dying from lumbar spinal surgery
- 1000-10,000 times greater risk from traditional gall bladder surgery
- 10,000 times greater risk of serious harm from medical mistakes in hospitals
The 225,000 deaths per year attributed to medical iatrogenesis (allopathy) have propelled it to the third leading cause of death, after heart disease and cancer.
Absolute, testosterone charged, black and white statements by heroic allopathic physicians will have to give way to the gray world of reality and hard numbers brought to us by evidence and real science – rather than Eminence based medicine and allopathic-religious superstitions.