Monday, June 26, 2006
Functional Analysis
Functional Analysis utilizes your breathing patterns and how you walk and move to determine the most appropriate places to treat, not just pain. Reconnecting your body with your brain is one of our main goals.
Your spinal corrections do not stop once you get off the table. They continue as you breath and move. You may notice that you hear a click or popping sound in your spine later on the same day after the functional analysis adjustment. That’s your body realigning and correcting its own subluxations.
Functional Analysis teaches and empowers your body to make more corrections and healing with ongoing care.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Children and Chiropractic

The relationship between intensity of chiropractic care and the incidence of childhood diseases. Rose-Aymon S, Aymon M. Prochaska-Moss G, Moss R, Rebne R, Nielsen K. Journal of Chiropractic Research, 1989 (Spring): 70-77.
From the abstract: A pilot study was undertaken to determine if a relationship existed between the incidence of childhood diseases and intensity of chiropractic care. The analysis of the data focused on non-vaccinated children who did not contract the disease in question. The results suggest that intensive chiropractic care (i.e. more than seven visits per year and more than one year of care) increased resistance to the common childhood diseases. Future research on a large scale is needed.
A comparative study of the health status of children raised under the health care models of chiropractic and allopathic medicine. Van Breda, WM and Van Breda JM Journal of Chiropractic Research Summer 1989.
Lower antibiotic use and lower incidence of disease, especially ear infections, was reported in the chiropractic children. If the "chiropractic" children did get measles, rubella or mumps it was reported that the diseases were quite mild compared to those exhibited by their classmates.
Absence of T-cells, immune dysfunction, has colds all the time. International Chiropractic Pediatric Association Newsletter. November 1996
Male child - Age 5 from a central American country. Prior diagnosis: malformation of cervical spine, severe scoliosis, occiput position severely anterior to cervical spine. Not vocalizing well. Absence of T-cells, immune dysfunction, has colds all the time. Surgery had been considered to correct skull positioning. In the first series of adjustments, we adjusted the lad in a sitting position utilizing the infant toggle headpiece. The Atlas was adjusted ASL. Child was reevaluated in native country and medical staff stated that everything was now normal. Child returned to U.S. for care 6 months later. Vocabulary was now normal. Head position -normal. No colds evident during these months. Scoliosis was greatly reduced.
References : Children and Chiropractic
Leboyer, F. 1984. Birth without violence. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. pp.21,28.
Van Breda, W.M. & van Breda, J.M. A comparative study of the health status of children raised under the health care models of chiropractic and allopathic medicine. Journal of Chiropractic Research, pp.101-103, Summer 1989.
Giesen, J.M., Center, D.B., Leach, R.A. An evaluation of chiropractic manipulation as a treatment of hyperac-tivity in children. JMPT, October 1989; 12: 353-63.
Walton, E.V. Chiropractic effectiveness with emotional, learning and behavioral impairments. International Review of Chiropractic, 29: 2-5, 21-22, September 1975.
Gemmell HA, Jacobson BH. Chiropractic management of enuresis: Time series descriptive design. JMPT, 1989; 12: 386-389.
Lewit K Functional disorders (fixations) of the spine in children. Manuelle Therapie, Barth, Leipzig, 1973, Chap. 2.7. pp. 50-54.
The value of a healthy attitude
The value of a healthy attitude: how faith, anger, humor, and boredom can affect your health
Does your attitude affect your health? Does a positive, happy one keep you healthier? Or a negative, unhappy, even angry, one hurt you? The answer to all these questions is yes. The mind and body are snugly interwoven, and this connection affects you in more ways than you might be aware of.
It used to be thought that the mind and the immune system existed independently of each other. But research now shows that they may act as a single unit. Feeling stressed, for example, can make you more susceptible to whatever virus is going around. On the other hand, when you feel joyous and lighthearted, your immune system has a better chance of protecting you from it.
It's been shown that even pretending to feel something can affect you. In a study at the University of California at Los Angeles, researchers found that actors could influence their immune systems simply by the emotions they portrayed.
It's a good bet that expectation also plays an important role. If you expect to be healthy, you increase your chances of enjoying good health. If you expect to be ill, you increase your chances of that.
This doesn't have to do just with whether you come down with a cold or a bug. Attitude influences whether you get--and even die from--more serious illnesses. Heart disease is a good example.
Anger is an emotion that's directly related to illness. It has its place in life, and there are times when feeling angry is an appropriate response. But chronic anger or anger that's out of proportion to the situation at hand is another matter. A study in Boston gave a questionnaire to 1,300 men to measure their tendencies toward anger. The study concluded that those men who scored the highest were three times more likely to develop heart disease than the men who scored the lowest.
This knowledge is not brand-new. John Barefoot, Ph.D., a research professor at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina, did a 25year follow-up study of a group of medical students. "These were students in the 1950s," he says, "and we followed them up through 1980, I believe." What he and his colleagues discovered was that the ones who were hostile initially were the ones who were more likely to have died by the time of the follow-up study.
What he calls hostility, he says, is "an attitude of cynical beliefs and lack of trust in other people.... If you believe people are mean-spirited and bad and untrustworthy, that leads to a negative world outlook.
"That was one of the first studies," he adds, "but there have been several other studies, larger studies, that have also confirmed that."
In a study conducted at the University of Chicago, on the effect of attitude on health, 200 telecommunication executives were observed as their companies were downsized. The health of the executives who saw change as an opportunity for growth fared much better than those who saw it as a threat. Fewer than a third of the executives who had a positive attitude contracted a serious illness during or soon after the downsizing. But executives who saw downsizing as a personal threat had mare than a 90 percent likelihood of becoming severely ill.
Feeling stressed is something everyone can relate to. What's stressful, though, is an individual matter. A situation that stresses one person may feel exhilarating to someone else and go entirely unnoticed by another.
Boredom has negative effects on your health, also, because of its lack of challenge and mental stimulation. Fatalism has a negative effect too. According to an article published recently in the Washington Post, researchers "stumbled onto a striking finding: Women who believed they were prone to heart disease were nearly four times as likely to die as women with similar risk factors who didn't hold such fatalistic views.
"The high risk of death, in other words, had nothing to do with the usual heart disease culprits--age, blood pressure, cholesterol, weight," the article states. "Instead, it tracked closely with belief. Think sick, be sick."
If we convince ourselves that we're going to develop a particular illness or that we're going to die, we increase our chances of doing exactly that. The article further points out that surgeons are wary of patients who are convinced they're going to die, because almost 100 percent of them actually do.
It may seem that your health is at the mercy of your feelings, but the fact is that you have greater control over them than you might suppose--and there are definite ways you can exercise that control. One is to spend as much time as possible around positive, happy people. Another is to spend as little time as possible around negative, anxious, or angry people.
Support groups can make an enormous difference in your life too. And there are a variety of them around that deal with various problems and illnesses. In a study at Stanford University researchers found that cancer patients who were in support groups stayed in remission longer and lived longer.
When you feel overwhelmed by anxiety, anger, depression, or lack of interest in what's going on around you, it helps to know that you can talk to someone who will listen, someone who may be able to point you in a better direction--a friend, a member of the clergy, or a doctor or therapist. Sometimes what you need most is simply to know that you've been heard, that someone cares, and that you are not alone with your problems.
Religious faith has an enormous effect on your attitude. It can make you more generous and openhearted toward others and toward yourself, too. It helps to look for what's good and uplifting so that you focus more on the positive.
Regular exercise works wonders too. It defuses stress and strengthens your cardiovascular and immune systems while it makes you feel better about yourself.
Prayer, meditation, or simply relaxing while listening to soothing music helps. So does pursuing a hobby--gardening, painting, or cooking, for example. Hobbies give you something else to concentrate on, something to enjoy that shows positive results. And that gives your spirit a much-needed respite.
It's important to develop an attitude of optimism. Even when a situation or circumstance looks bleak, sad, or painful, there will be at least some small thing? the situation that can offer hope or something to smile about. By practicing looking for what's uplifting, you will find it more often.
And then there is humor--one of the most important weapons in a person's attitude arsenal. Humor impacts your health in a number of ways, says Steven M. Sultanoff Ph.D., a clinical psychologist in Irvine, California, and past president of the Association of Applied and Therapeutic Humor.
"Humor stimulates laugher. And we know that physiological stimulation through laughter leads to a number of health benefits. It appears to reduce stress; it tends to boost immunoglobulin A (an antibody that fights upper respiratory disease); and it tends to boost killer T-cells, which are antibodies that fight infection.
"Through laughter we get a physiological stimulation. Humor also stimulates us through what I call mirth. which is an emotional experience," Sultanoff adds. There's an enormous amount of research showing that people who have chronically distressing emotions, such as anger, depression, or anxiety, suffer a negative health impact from them. "The research, particularly on heart disease, is very dramatic," Sultanoff says. "People who are chronically angry and hostile are four to five times more likely to have a heart attack than people who are not.
"There's dramatic research that shows that the distressing emotions lead to bad health, and the experience of humor replaces distressing emotions. So, for example, you may have had a time in your life when you were really angry with someone, and they did something to make you laugh. In that moment you said, `Don't make me laugh. I want to be angry.' The experience of humor displaces the distressing emotion."
Humor also has a positive effect on health in the way that it affects your attitude. There's research showing that the way people believe and the way their attitude is adjusted are directly related to health. People who have a negative or pessimistic attitude about life are actually more susceptible to common everyday illnesses, such as colds or stomach pains.
"Humor changes attitude through what I call wit," Sultanoff continues. "There's a particular element of perspective that's provided by humor that relieves us of a potential health distress. So instead of seeing everything as negative, all of a sudden you see it in perspective."
Something worth cultivating is the ability to see humor in even small everyday things. One of Sultanoff's favorite examples is a sign on the freeway on the way into San Diego. "It says `Cruise Ships Use Airport Exit.' So how many cruise ships do you think there are on the freeway?" he asks. "And why would they use the airport exit?"
Sultanoff concludes, "Another important thing people can do is to learn one humorous thing--a story in their life, or a joke, or anything funny--that they can share with others. There is something in the sharing of humor that rekindles one's own experience. The complement to that is to have a humor buddy--someone who can share something funny with you every day or so."
Considering how important humor and laughter are to the state of health, they are both worth cultivating. So are faith, love, friendship, and pleasure in the small things of everyday life. All of these are within our reach. And all pay big health dividends.
Monday, June 12, 2006
The Secret of Life
The Dynamics of Growth and Change
a) The only way life gets better for you is when you get better! Better is not something you wish for; better is something you become
b) If you are not changing your responses to the situations and circumstances that make up your life, you’re not being flexible and thus you’re throwing away your greatest asset as an individual human being
c) By not being prepared, you make the choice of getting caught in some of life’s unpleasant circumstances, such as a rainy day. Make the decision to carry an umbrella. You’ve got to take personal responsibility you’ve got to be self-reliant
d) Learn all you can. Make all the friends you can. Read as many books as you can. Develop as many skills as you can. See and do as much as possible.
Chiropractic Philosophy 2006
- The universe functions according to a set of ordered laws
- Living organisms function as self-regulating systems
- The nervous system plays a significant role in the coordination of function
- Interference with the nervous system's communcation abilities decreases an individual’s capacity for physical, mental and social well-being
- Vertebral subluxations interfere with nervous system function
- Vertebral subluxations are identifiable and correctable
- A human being without vertebral subluxations is in an enhanced state of physiology
Chiropractic Philosophy
Chiropractic is the only health care profession that not only bases its care on clinical research & basic science but also critical thinking and a philosophical approach that matches the reality around us.
80 years ago one chiropractic wrote down some basic tenets that can be proved by quantum physics and sciences of today.
In 1927 Dr. Ralph Stevenson wrote:
The 33 Chiropractic Principles
1. The Major Premise - A Universal Intelligence is in all matter and continually gives to it all its properties and actions, thus maintaining it in existence.
2. The Chiropractic Meaning of Life - The expression of this intelligence through matter is the Chiropractic meaning of life.
3. The Union of Intelligence and Matter - Life is necessarily the union of intelligence and matter.
4. The Triune of Life - Life is a triunity having three necessary united factors, namely: Intelligence, Force and Matter.
5. The Perfection of the Triune - In order to have 100% Life, there must be 100% Intelligence, 100% Force, 100% Matter.
6. The Principle of Time - There is no process that does not require time.
7. The Amount of Intelligence in Matter - The amount of intelligence for any given amount of matter is 100%, and is always proportional to its requirements.
8. The Function of Intelligence - The function of intelligence is to create force.
9. The Amount of Force Created by Intelligence - The amount of force created by intelligence is always 100%.
10. The Function of Force - The function of force is to unite intelligence and matter.
11. The Character of Universal Forces - The forces of Universal Intelligence are manifested by physical laws; are unswerving and unadapted, and have no solicitude for the structures in which they work.
12. Interference with Transmission of Universal Forces - There can be interference with transmission of universal forces.
13. The Function of Matter - The function of matter is to express force.
14. Universal Life - Force is manifested by motion in matter; all matter has motion, therefore there is universal life in all matter.
15. No Motion without the Effort of Force - Matter can have no motion without the application of force by intelligence.
16. Intelligence in both Organic and Inorganic Matter - Universal Intelligence gives force to both organic and inorganic matter.
17. Cause and Effect - Every effect has a cause and every cause has effects.
18. Evidence of Life - The signs of life are evidence of the intelligence of life.
19. Organic Matter - The material of the body of a "living thing" is organized matter.
20. Innate Intelligence - A "living thing" has an inborn intelligence within its body, called Innate Intelligence.
21. The Mission of Innate Intelligence - The mission of Innate Intelligence is to maintain the material of the body of a "living thing" in active organization.
22. The Amount of Innate intelligence - There is 100% of Innate Intelligence in every "living thing," the requisite amount, proportional to its organization.
23. The Function of Innate Intelligence - The function of Innate Intelligence is to adapt universal forces and matter for use in the body, so that all parts of the body will have co-ordinated action for mutual benefit.
24. The Limits of Adaptation - Innate Intelligence adapts forces and matter for the body as long as it can do so without breaking a universal law, or Innate Intelligence is limited by the limitations of matter.
25. The Character of Innate Forces - The forces of Innate Intelligence never injure or destroy the structures in which they work.
26. Comparison of Universal and Innate Forces - In order to carry on the universal cycle of life, Universal forces are destructive, and Innate forces constructive, as regards structural matter.
27. The Normality of Innate Intelligence - Innate Intelligence is always normal and its function is always normal.
28. The Conductors of Innate Forces - The forces of Innate Intelligence operate through or over the nervous system in animal bodies.
29. Interference with Transmission of Innate Forces - There can be interference with the transmission of Innate forces.
30. The Causes of Dis-ease - Interference with the transmission of Innate forces causes incoordination of dis-ease.
31. Subluxations - Interference with transmission in the body is always directly or indirectly due to subluxations in the spinal column.
32. The Principle of Coordination - Coordination is the principle of harmonious action of all the parts of an organism, in fulfilling their offices and purposes.
33. The Law of Demand and Supply - The Law of Demand and Supply is existent in the body in its ideal state; wherein the "clearing house," is the brain, Innate the virtuous "banker," brain cells "clerks," and nerve cells "messengers."
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Sensory Integration Dysfunction
When the brain is not processing sensory input well, it often means it is also not directing actions or behavior effectively or efficiently. Without good sensory integration, learning is difficult, the brain makes inefficient and inaccurate responses to there internal and external environment.
Clinical neurophysiology of dystonia.
Clinical neurophysiology of dystonia.
It took decades to accept that dystonia, a bizarre condition which often produces abnormal movements exclusively during specific activities like writing, was due to brain disease. Clinical neurophysiology certainly added to this evolution of thinking. Recent neurophysiological observations demonstrate that dystonia is not only due to an isolated brain motor dysfunction, but also to sensory and sensorimotor integration disturbances. We hope that new treatment strategies will arise thanks to our better understanding of dystonia pathophysiology.
Dystonia may be caused by a mismatch between sensory input versus motor output
Basal ganglia encompass four to five distinct loops to allow parallel processing of information. Among them, the most intensively studied is the motor loop, which includes two distinct direct and indirect pathways. The direct pathway exerts facilitatory influence upon the motor cortex, whereas the indirect pathway exerts an inhibitory effect. Overall, this dual system provides a center(excitatory)-surround-(inhibitory) mechanism to focus its effect on selected cortical neurons, and several lines of evidence suggest that this center-surround mechanism is used to focus the output on a specific group of muscles required for performing a specific task. This operation is made possible through opening the sensory channel for the expected sensory feed-back afferents during movement. Thus, one of the important functions of basal ganglia seems to be the gating of sensory input for motor control. Dystonia may be caused by a mismatch between sensory input versus motor output, and parkinsonism may be viewed as a disorder of gain control of this sensorimotor integration.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Mild Head Injuries
Zielinski, Robert J
Count to 15. When you reach 15, another person in the United States will have sustained a head injury. Each year, an estimated 2 million people will suffer a head injury and about 500,000 to 750,000 will be severe enough to be hospitalized. These accident victims will be classified as having a moderate to severe brain injury. However, approximately 85 percent of accident victims will sustain a "mild head injury" or concussion and will not be hospitalized. These accident patients will typically seek treatment for the physical consequences of their accidents in the offices of chiropractors, neurologists, and/or orthopedic doctors. Although these patients generally seek relief from physical pain, i.e., neck, back, and muscle, they may also be suffering the consequences of a closed head injury. An accident victim who has sustained a mild closed head injury may show no noticeable signs of physical damage to the head area, but he or she may be suffering from a traumatic brain injury. It is also necessary to realize that the term "mild brain injury" is a misnomer since any insult to the brain can have significant and devastating effects on cognitive functioning.
An accident victim may have had an automobile accident, a fall, a sports accident, or any other serious event. This can cause trauma to the muscles, bones, ligaments, blood vessels, nerves in the neck, back, and head, and to the brain. A traumatic brain injury can be defined as:
* direct impact of the brain upon the skull caused by an object striking the skull (such as a baseball bat striking the skull)
* the skull striking an object ( such as the head hitting the windshield in a car) the brain undergoing movement in the skull without direct impact to the head (such as a whiplash).
If the brain is damaged at the point of contact, it is considered a coup injury. If the damage is on the opposite side of the brain, it is known as a contrecoup injury.
The mild head injury without visible signs is often overlooked by physicians because the patient looks and acts "normal." In reality, a mild closed head injury may not show structural brain damage on a CAT scan or MRI and the accident patient may or may not have lost consciousness, or only report feeling "dazed" after the accident.
In a mild head injury, there may be no direct blow to the head. Instead, the head may be violently shaken back and forth, as in a rear-end collision. An injury may result to the brain because the brain ricochets inside the skull during the impact of the accident. The bouncing of the brain first against one part of the skull, and then against another, can produce bruises and/or swelling in different parts of the brain. Additionally, a shearing or tearing may occur, especially in the temporal and frontal areas of the brain, because of the skull's bony structure. The shearing and tearing happen on a microscopic level and, for the most part, are not apparent on common medical tests, such as an MRI or CAT scans. It should be noted that even if an MRI or CAT scan is negative, this does not mean that the brain is not compromised. These tests do not assess how the brain processes incoming and outgoing information. They assess only brain structure. In other words, these medical tests do not assess the "brain in action"-cognitive tasks that involve thought, memory, reading, and so on.
When a patient who has been in an accident comes to your office because of neck/back pain, you must be aware that in any accident, the brain may also be compromised. The patient may show only subtle signs of compromised brain functioning, and without an alert recognition of possible problems, the patient is shortchanged in terms of a treatment plan.
By the time the accident victim shows up in your office, he or she may have the following cognitive and personality consequences (beyond the physical problems for which the patient is seeking relief):
Cognitive Deficits
short attention span
short-term memory problems
problem-solving deficits
difficulty in understanding abstract concepts
inability to perform one- or two-step commands simultaneously
problems in reading comprehension or in performing math problems
mispronouncing words
word-finding difficulties
Personality Changes
emotional instability
apathy and lessened motivation
lowered Frustration tolerance
increased aggression
If these symptoms do not improve from one to three months after the head trauma, they may become permanent. An appropriate referral to a psychologist, neuropsychologist, or neurologist is absolutely necessary.
Behaviorally, an accident victim with a mild head injury can get confused about performing simple daily tasks, such as remembering telephone numbers, names, and faces, and in carrying out the common tasks of daily life. While pre-injury learning and memory typically remain unaffected, learning new material and procedures can be devastating since so much mental energy is needed to cognitively function that the tasks become overwhelming.
Additionally, in a mild head injury, it is typical that mental confusion occurs in over-stimulating environments, such as grocery stores, malls, restaurants, or large crowds. Learning new material is exhausting for this patient. Performing several tasks at the same time is equally taxing--such as cooking a meal. Concentrating on doing paper work is daunting. This exhaustion occurs because of the necessary additional effort on the part of the patient to pay attention to the task at hand; additionally, it usually becomes worse as the day wears on. The exhaustion is not only mental but also physical. Usually, a rest period is needed in late afternoon or early evening to help the patient recharge his or her "batteries." Along with the mental and physical exhaustion come emotional stress and a reduced ability to control the temper. Thus, the patient may become extremely frustrated, angry, and depressed and experience significant self doubt.
These deficits become even more devastating if the patient has been told that the MRI or CAT scan was negative. Patients wonder if they are "going crazy 11 since they think they should feel normal if their test results come up negative. These accident victims are "put into a box," i.e., victims know that "something is wrong," but they are told that they should not be experiencing cognitive consequences from their accident. Many times patients suffer in silence, afraid to pit their own experiences against their medical tests. The typical result is a depression in which patients doubt their own cognitive weakness experiences. This self-doubt is overwhelming in terms of emotional functioning.
Patients with a mad head injury tend to deny their cognitive problems and try to cover up their weaknesses. Few patients want to admit memory lapses, cognitive confusion, reading comprehension problems, or other related cognitive tasks. They want to avoid losing a job. Or they want to appear "normal" in daily life.
For the treating chiropractor, careful observation and active listening to the patient's verbalizations are necessary to detect if subtle consequences of the mild head trauma are present. For instance, does the patient forget simple instructions during your treatment, ask you to repeat what you have said, have problems verbally expressing thoughts, stumble over words, need to be directed over and over to perform a task, have difficulty discriminating left from right, or seem to be depressed or unduly anxious?
Questions can be directed to the patient, such as:
How is your memory?
Do you have problems remembering what you read?
Do you get distracted easily?
Is your thinking confused?
Do you forget what has been told to you?
Do you have trouble performing daily tasks?
Do you have problems following directions?
Has there been a change in your personality since the accident?
These, among other variables, can suggest that the patient is suffering from the consequences of a mad head injury. Since many patients, however, will try to deny "problems," each response will need to be validated by behavior observed by the treating physician. Other methods of inquiry could include questionnaires relating to the consequences of a mad head injury, as well as computerized screening assessments of the patient.
The first tragedy of an accident victim may be a mild traumatic brain injury. The second tragedy is if a treating physician does not recognize the devastating cognitive and emotional consequences of a brain injury, which may mean that a proper referral to those professionals with expertise in working with head-injured patients is not made.
The author would like to state that this article is not intended to be an exhaustive examination of mild traumatic head injuries. It is merely a starting point for those who are interested in the topic.
Reference and Reading List
1. Filskov S & BoIl T. (Eds.) Handbook ofClinical Neuropsychology. 1981. New York: Wiley and Sons.
2. Levin H, Eidenberg H, e3 Benton A. (Eads.) Mild Head Injury.1989. New York: Oxford University Pres.
3. Levin H., Benton A, e3 Grossman R (Eds.) Neurobehavioral Consequences of Closed Head Injury. 1982. New York: Oxford University Pres.
4 Lezak L. Neuropsychological Assessment.1995; New York: Oxford University Press.
5: Long C & Ross L. (Eds.) Handbook of Head Trauma: Acute Care to Recovery 1992. New York: Plenum Press.
6. Parker R Traumatic Brain Injury and Neuropsychological Impairment. 1990. New York: Springer- Verlag.
7. Taylor R. Distinguishing Psychological from Organic Disorders. 1981. New York: Springer Publishing.
8. Szymanski H & Linn R. "A review of the post concussion syndrome. "International J. Psychiatry in Medicine. Vol. 22 (4), pp. 357-375:1992.
9. Reitan R & Wolfson D. Traumatic Brain Injury. Pol e3 Vol. 2. 1986. Tucson: Neuropsychological Press.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Chiropractic treatments for whiplash
Chiropractic treatments for whiplash
Introduction to whiplash
Chiropractors are specialists in treating non-surgical spine injuries and commonly treat whiplash injuries from car accidents. The job of the chiropractor in helping his or her patients overcome the pain and disability associated with whiplash is to:
Diagnose the source of the pain from the whiplash injury
Treat the most important dysfunctions
Teach the patient to return to a more normal lifestyle
The process of rehabilitation from a whiplash injury requires a concerted effort between the chiropractor, the patient and any other professional assisting in the case. The likelihood of success of recovering from whiplash is enhanced by a continued focus on restoring normal function with the help of the chiropractor.
After a whiplash injury, chiropractors take a systematic approach to establishing a diagnosis (1), including:
Chiropractors’ evaluation of patient history for a whiplash injury
The chiropractor will review specific information regarding the car accident, such as:
What was the vector of the crash (i.e., rear-end collision, head on collision, side impact collision, etc)?
Was the patient wearing a seatbelt?
Did the patient or the vehicle strike any other objects after the crash?
Was the patient aware of the impending impact?
How was the patient's head positioned at time of impact?
What was the collision speed and damage amount?
The chiropractor will also ask questions about the whiplash injury:
Where is the exact location of the patient’s pain?
What is the quality and character of the patient’s neck pain or back pain?
What movements, positions or activities either increase or decrease the patient’s neck pain or back pain?
Finally, the chiropractor will ask about any other symptoms that may be related to the pain, such as numbness, tingling, weakness, dizziness, or blurred or double vision.
Chiropractor’s examination of a whiplash injury
Next, the chiropractor will examine the patient to assess, in the immediate stage, whether serious whiplash injury is present that may require hospital and/or surgical referral, and to identify specific tissues that have been injured.
The chiropractor will conduct a neurological examination which involves a cranial nerve examination, sensory, motor and reflex examination of the extremities, and tests for injury in the brain.
Maneuvers will be carried out by the chiropractor that stresses certain tissues to see if they have been injured by the whiplash.
The chiropractor will perform motion palpation, designed to assess the mobility and pain reactions in the joints of the spine.
The muscles of the spine will be examined by the chiropractor for areas of congestion called myofascial trigger points, which are common sources of pain after whiplash.
Chiropractor’s working diagnosis of a whiplash injury
From the history and examination, the chiropractor will establish as a "working diagnosis" — a clinical impression of the most salient features of the whiplash injury.
Based on this diagnosis of the whiplash injury, the chiropractor will then determine whether any additional tests (such as x-rays, MRI, EMG or blood tests) are required. The chiropractor will obtain reports from any tests that were done through the emergency room or at previous consultations with spine specialists to avoid unnecessary duplicate testing at the chiropractic clinic.
Once all the necessary information has been gathered, the chiropractor will make a determination as to the best course of action required to bring about maximum recovery from the whiplash injury in the shortest time possible. This may mean referral by the chiropractor to another spine specialist or a chiropractic treatment plan.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Breathing for Better Health!
The very existence of our physical body in the environment requires several “interactions” and “exchanges”:
• exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and the body through breathing;
• exchange of organic matters (eating, defecation) provided by the digestive system;
• exchange of heat (emitting, conserving or absorbing heat mainly through the skin) with the environment is provided by the thermoregulatory system;
• movement of the body is provided by the locomotor system (bones, joints and muscles);
• informational, emotional and spiritual exchange is provided by the central nervous system, (The Thalamus, Hypothalamus & Limibic Systems).
If any of these interactions goes wrong disease will ensue. However, in reality the sick person has many, or all, of these systems deranged, though in different degrees.
Infertility and Chiropractic
Infertility and Chiropractic
A new series of case studies was published and made the news in a big way. Madeline Behrendt, D.C., who has written several articles in the JVSR on infertility was interviewed, and they are including Chiropractic in their segment! This aired nationally on CBS.
Read about it here:
View it here:
Read additional articles about chiropractic and infertility here:
The Resolution of Chronic Colitis with Chiropractic Care Leading to Increased Fertility Charles L. Blum, D.C Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research 2003 (Aug 31): 1-5
Introduction: A 32-year-old female presented at my office for chiropractic care of her chronic colitis and did not disclose her condition of infertility during the course of care at this office. There appears to be some relationship between chiropractic care and relief of some visceral conditions relating to the colon and female reproductive organs.
Results: The patient had her chronic condition of colitis relieved and relatively simultaneously became pregnant after giving up on allopathic fertility treatments for 7 years.
Conclusion: As with all single subject case studies it is difficult to extrapolate finding from one result to treatment to the populous at large, however due to the success in this case further studies appear to be indicated.
Insult, Interference and Infertility: An Overview of Chiropractic Research Madeline Behrendt, D.C. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research 2003 (May 2): Special Infertility Issue
The application of chiropractic care and subsequent successful outcomes on reproductive integrity, regardless of factors including age, history and medical intervention, are described through a diversity of chiropractic arts. Future studies that may evaluate more formally and on a larger scale, the effectiveness, safety and cost benefits of chiropractic care on both well-being and physiological function are suggested, as well as pursuit of appropriate funding.
The restoration of female fertility in response to chiropractic treatment. Proceedings Of The National Conference On Chiropractic And Pediatrics. 1994:55-64. McNabb B. Copies of the proceedings may be purchased through the ICA; call 1-800-423-4690.
This is the case history of a 36-year-old woman who had been medically tested and examined for infertility for a year. No abnormalities were found in her or her husband's reproductive system. When she finally sought chiropractic care she also had pelvic pain (often interfering with sleep) low neck and upper back pain, headache of two weeks duration and tinnitis of several year's duration. Chiropractic care adjusted C1-2, T11-T12, and L-4-5. Care was three times a week for two weeks, twice a week for four weeks and once a week for 3 weeks. The pelvic, tinnitis lower neck and upper back pain were improved. Headaches became mild and rare. Patient became pregnant shortly thereafter and had an uncomplicated delivery. Below is the story of a California woman who was given a 5 percent chance of ever pregnant, even with in vitro procedures and who became pregnant after chiropractic adjustments to her lower spine released subluxations.
Inability to conceive. Two case histories from the files of Larry L. Webster,D.C. International Chiropractic Pediatric Association Newsletter. Nov. 1995.
Female - Age 32 - Prior Care - Medical -fertility pills, shots - negative results. No menses for 12 years. After two months of chiropractic care, menses resumed. Patient complained of abdominal discomfort during cycle. It was my feeling that this would be natural occurrence following an absence of menses for 12 years. Her menses occurred on a regular cycle for four months when she conceived. She was referred back to her medical doctor for confirmation of pregnancy. Her doctor informed her it was impossible for her to be pregnant - after all, he had done everything medically possible "and besides, there were no nerves emitting from the spine to the reproductive organs." A few months later she delivered a healthy seven 1/2-lb. son. The major area of the spine adjusted in this case was the lumbar region.
Female - Age 26 - Had been trying to get pregnant for past few years with negative results. She had taken the medical route with fertility pills, shots, etc. Had a severe scoliosis (Cobb's angle of 58°) and upon examination, I informed her that I felt we could not affect the Cobb's angle and that possibly the severity of the curve with the subluxations present could be the reason for the lack of her body's ability to conceive. At the end of six months, X-Rays revealed the Cobb's angle was reduced to 47°. Approximately one month later, she became pregnant and remained under care throughout the pregnancy and delivered a fine baby with no complications. The areas adjusted were sacrum, lumbar and cervical spine. No side posture moves were utilized in this case.
Chiro & Autism...No Drugs...NO SIDE EFFECTS!
This is a case report of a 3 ½ year-old girl with autism. She was non-verbal, had compulsive disorders, daily rituals, head banging and violence. After chiropractic, care began within one month her parents and teacher noticed a 30% improvement socially. After one year of care, an 80% improvement was noticed. Head banging and other rituals diminished by 50% with less violent behavior. She had chronic serous otitis media and had been on antibiotics for one year. Within a one-week period after her first adjustment, antibiotic use stopped due to a 70% improvement in her otitis media.
2) Case Study - Autism. Rubinstein, HM, Chiropractic Pediatrics Vol. 1 No. 1, April 1994
This is the case study of a seven year old female diagnosed with autism. The child has a history of sexual and physical abuse. The little girl would slowly turn in circles in place while singing an incomprehensible song with a glazed stare and blank expression. Spinal examination revealed a right posterior and superior C1 with a frequency of about twice a week. After ten months of care she was able to carry on conversations, carry out commands, dress and groom herself. Cognitivedevelopment progressed to where she was able to learn, read, and participate in public school.
3) The effects of chiropractic treatment on students with learning and behavioral impairments due to neurological dysfunction. Walton EV. Int Rev of Chiro 1975;29:4-5,24-26.
In this study 24 learning impaired students, half received chiropractic care and the other half, who were either on medication or receiving no treatment at all, were used for comparison. The case histories that follow were obtained from the above paper.
Case C-91: A high school student who was failing three subjects, with a history of failure, low morale, discipline problems, poor coordination, and a long history of clinical and medical treatment. After chiropractic care the student was passing all subjects, highly motivated, showing improved coordination and able to participate in athletics. All medications were dropped.
Case C-92: Also a high school student on 20mg. Ritalin and on Dilantin. She was non-motivated, negative, passive, nonverbal, and failing in high school work despite placement in special classes. After chiropractic adjustments the student was taken off Ritalin, began talking and expressing herself, and showed improved reading comprehension and reading speed.<
Case CE-92: An elementary student who was extremely hyperkinetic, irritable, and he had severe behavior problems at home and school. Grades were marginal to failing. Al-though the boy was only 8 years old, Ritalin had been increased from an initial 5mg. to a total of 70mg./day with steadily diminishing results. (70mg. approaches danger level as a dosage). At the conclusion of chiropractic care, the Ritalin had been entirely discontinued and coordination was improved to the extent that the student became an able Little League ball player. His attitude was excellent, grades were up an average of one letter grade, and the student was considered free of all limiting factors. Behavior at home and school was exemplary.
Case CE-101: An elementary student. This student was marginally passing his courses. There was a four year history of marginal accomplishment in school. He was nervous, underweight and suffered from insomnia. Medication was briefly tried but the student's emotional control became poor and he frequently wept. The medication had to be discontinued. After chiropractic care there was a marked reduction in nervousness and great improvement in emotional stability. His mother reported that his appetite was now normal and he began enjoying school during the last month.
Case C-93: A high school student. Initially on heavy dosages of medication, non-motivated with a long history of clinical evaluation and treatment. The girl was failing most school subjects, marginal in others, and withdrawn. After chiropractic adjustments, her self-confidence improved; she was passing all subjects. All medication was discontinued after four months of treatment. A vocational goal was established.
Case CJ-95: A junior high school student. He was hyperkinetic almost from birth and had a traumatic early developmental history with suspected neurological problems. Although of above average intelligence he was passing only two subjects, both marginally. He was starting to become a discipline problem, making little or no effort in school. After chiropractic care, fine and gross motor coordination improved markedly. He began taking an interest in athletics and played Little League on a team that placed third in the state. Effort and motivation improved to the extent that plans to send him back to a lower grade were dropped and he was promoted. Reports at the third week of school indicated that his academic progress was excellent after a late summer remedial program.
Case CE-102: An elementary student who had been diagnosed by numerous clinics as minimally brain damaged, retarded and/or suffering from neurological dysfunction. He also suffered from severe emotional problems. After chiropractic he showed great improvement in self-confidence. He began to take part in public speaking in school. Mental ability tests indicated that the student was at normal grade level except for deficiencies in reading.
4) Developmental Communication Disorder. Subluxation location and correction Stephen R. Goldman, D.C. Today's Chiropractic July/August 1995 p.70-74.
"A 2-year old child had a medical diagnosis of 'developmental communication disorder.' He was non-responsive to any external stimuli, even to receiving an injection.did not respond to sound or touch.Chiropractic analysis revealed an axis subluxation. "On the third visit, when I walked into the room, he began to cry. That was the first time that he responded to anything happening around him. By the sixth adjustment, he started to follow certain commands and stopped making repeated hand motions. He started to talk after the 12th office visit. At present, he has an extensive vocabulary and is slightly hyperactive; he is probably making up for lost time."
5) Autism, Asthma, Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), strabismus and illness susceptibility: a case study in chiropractic management. Amalu WC. Todays Chiropractic. September/October 1998. Pp. 32-47.
A 5-year-old female with autism, asthma, allergies, irritable bowel syndrome and left-sided strabismus who was experiencing 25 violent temper episode per day, with each episode lasting up to 20 minutes was referred for care. She also exhibited three episodes each day of self-inflicted violent behavior, which included biting her arm, slapping her head and repeatedly banging her head against a full-length mirror. She also had at least one episode of violent behavior each day - hitting people, especially her mother. Speech was limited to a few words such as "mama, dada, milk and walk."
Chiropractic Management consisted of correction of the atlanto-occipital subluxation with the patient adjusted in the knee-chest posture with contact to the posterior arch of atlas.
First week of care: After the first adjustment, patient had her first good night's sleep since her mother could remember. Violent temper episodes had reduced to 15 per day with de-crease in intensity. Self-inflicted violent behavior was decreased in frequency. Her speech, vocabulary and sleep patterns had improved.
Second week: one adjustment. Violent temper episodes at five per day. Right eye showed no more signs of strabismus. Patient began speaking in sentences for the first time. Mother reported a marked decrease in hyperactivity along with a desire to be touched and hugged.
Third week: One adjustment. Violent temper episodes 2 per day with decreased intensity. Mother stated there was little hyperactivity. Self-directed or outward violent behavior have ceased. Irritable bowel syndrome was much improved.
Fourth week: no adjustments. All temper episodes, hyperactivity, violent behavior have stopped. Sleeping through the night. Patient was evaluated by two therapists who declared the diagnosis of autism was "incorrect."
Week 5- 8: a mild return of symptoms, an adjustment was given, and symptoms abated.
Weeks 9-12: no adjustments. The IBS had almost completely resolved. Patient continued to improve over next 8 months; no more asthma attacks.
6) Subluxation location and correction by Stephen R. Goldman, D.C. Today's Chiropractic July/August 1995 p.70-74. Case Study No. 4:
31-year-old with Crohn's disease (since age 15). A portion of his intestine had been removed and he was on antibiotics and prednisone. Had not had a normal bowel movement since age 15 and constantly suffered from abdominal cramps. Chiropractic analysis: Subluxation of axis. By the 13 th visit, he started having normal bowel movements and all medication was stopped.
1) An analysis of 350 emotionally maladjusted individuals under chiropractic care. Hartmann GW, Schwartz HS. NCA Journal of Chiropractic, Nov. 1949.
Classic review of 350 individuals helped under chiropractic care.
2) Relations of disturbances of cranio-sacral mechanisms to symptomatology of the newborn. Fryman V. JAOA. 1966;65:1059
In a group of 1250 unselected babies examined five days post partum, a group of 211 'nervous' children were found suffering from vomiting, hyperactivity, tremors and sleeplessness. Release of 'strain' in the skull resulted in immediate quieting, cessation of crying, muscular relaxation and sleepiness.
3) Post-traumatic evaluation and treatment of the pediatric patient with head injury: a case report. Araghi HJ. Proceedings of the National Conference on Chiropractic and Pediatrics, 1992:1-8.
From the abstract: a two-year-old boy suffering from vomiting and loss of energy following impact trauma to the head and found by neurological exam ant CT scan to have suffered a concussion with no evidence of brain or spinal cord pathology. Chiropractic adjustment of occiput resolved the patient's symptoms.
Austism, Learning Disabilities
Peer Reviewed Journals:
1) Blocked atlantal nerve syndrome in infants and small children. Gutman G. ICA Review, 1990; July:37-42. Originally published in German Manuelle Medizin (1987) 25:5-10.
From the abstract:
Three case reports are reviewed to illustrate a syndrome that has so far received far too little attention, which is caused and perpetuated in babies and infants by blocked nerve impulses at the atlas. Included in the clinical picture are lowered resistance to infections, especially to ear-, nose-, and throat infections, two cases of insomnia, two cases of cranial bone asymmetry, and one case each of torticollis, retarded locomotor development, retarded linguistic development, conjunctivitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis, earache, extreme neck sensitivity, incipient scoliosis, delayed hip development, and seizures.
2) Learning difficulties of children viewed in the light of osteopathic concept. Frymann V (1988). In: Retalaff EW, Mitchell Fl Jr. (Eds). The cranium and its sutures, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, NY, pp.27-47.
3) The relationship of craniosacral examination findings in grade school children with developmental problems. Upledger JE, J Am Osteopath Assoc. 1978 (Jun);77 (10):760-776
4) Osteopathic management of psychosomatic problems. Dunn, FE. JAOA, Vol. 48 No. 4 Neuropsychiatric Supplement Vol. 2 No. 1 Dec. 1948.
There is a relationship between structure and mental states and patient management.
5) Osteopathic concepts in psychiatry. Dunn FE JAOA, March 1950.
A table describing the lesion (subluxation) frequency in schizophrenia is included. Patient management is discussed.
6) A pilot study of applied kinesiology in helping children with learning disabilities. Mathews MO, Thomas E, British Osteopathic Journal Vol. X11 1993.
IQ scores improved and learning disabilities lessened. The British Osteopaths used applied kinesiology and Neural Organization Technique (NOT) developed by Carl Ferrari, D.C.
7) The effect of chiropractic adjustments on the behavior of autistic children; a case review. Sandeful, R, Adams E. ACA Journal of Chiropractic, Dec 21:5, 1987.
A Quick Look At Autism
National Press about theVaccine/ Autism Connection:
These recent articles in Washington Times reveal a very interesting hypothesis. Author, Dan Olmsted writes: "Since the Amish have been cut off for hundreds of years from American culture and scientific progress, the Amish may have had less exposure to some new factor triggering autism in the rest of population. The likely culprit: vaccines.
Traveling to the heart of Pennsylvania Dutch country in search of autistic Amish children, the reporter, based on national statistics, should have found as many as 200 children with autism in the community -- instead, he found only three, the oldest age 9 or 10.
The first autistic Amish child was a girl who had been brought over from China, adopted by one family only to be given up after becoming overwhelmed by her autism, and then re-adopted by an Amish Mennonite family. (China, India and Indonesia are among countries moving fast to mass-vaccination programs.)
The second autistic Amish child definitely had received a vaccination and developed autism shortly thereafter.
The reporter was unable to determine the vaccination status of the third child.
Read the articles here: and here:
The Medical Debate:
This link leads you to an informative letter from one MD to another about the connection between vaccines and autism.
Video on Autism:
The autism mailing group recently sent out this link:
It is a one hour video from the DAN conference, about kids on the autistic spectrum who have recovered through the use of nutritional intervention. The interesting thing is that a lot of these kids became "autistic" after vaccination. Some really interesting footage. And a fantastic shot of the audience responding to Gov. Schwarzenager signing a bill to forbid the use of mercury in vaccinations. The speaker has all parents in the audience stand and wave their hands if they thought their child would not be autistic if not for their vaccination.
RFK, Jr on Autism:
Recent press has been focusing on an article written by RFK, Jr on the effects of thimerosal in vaccines and the vaccine connection.
Read the article here:
Read his complete text on the subject here:
Increase in Autism Baffles Scientists
October 18, 2002 ~ Authors of California study say they cannot explain reasons for what they call epidemic of childhood autism in state; mysterious brain disorder affects person's ability to form relationships and to behave normally in everyday life; study discounts genetics, birth injuries and childhood immunizations as factors in tripling of autism cases from 1987 to 1998; Dr Catherine Lord, leading authority on autism, says it is unclear whether California findings apply to other states; federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is working in 13 states to look at apparent increase in autism cases; there is no reliable count nationwide so far, since criteria and reporting practices vary from state to state.The full article is available for a fee from the New York Times.
MMR/ Austism Link -- New Research
Ever since Andrew Wakefield's work on the MMR Vaccine and Autism came out there has been multiple papers, comments and disputes about its validity. Search for collection of previous studies
Now a new study adds additional reason to believe there is a a direct correlation between the two.
This news article sums it up well. New Research Suggests Autism Link to MMR
Here is Singh's abstract on: Abnormal Measles-Mumps-Rubella Antibodies and CNSAutoimmunity in Children with Autism Read the abstract in PubMed
“The Status of Research into Vaccine Safety and Autism"
Washington, D.C. - On June 19, 2002, at 11:00 a.m., in Room 2154 of the Rayburn House Office Building, the Committee on Government Reform, chaired by Congressman Dan Burton (R-IN), will conduct a hearing to evaluate the status of research concerning the possible relationship between vaccines and neurological disorders, including autism. Ten years ago, autism was estimated to affect 1 in 10,000 children. According to the National Institutes of Health, it is now anticipated to affect 1 in 250 children.Read the Report
New Study Supports Link Between MMR Vaccine and Autism
The newest research on the vaccine-autism relationship has just come out showing a link between mercury in vaccines and autism when there is genetic predisposition.The measles virus was detected in spinal fluid of children with autism, but not in controls.The findings challenge the results of several large studies on autism and bolster the fears of parents who have long believed their children were harmed by the vaccines.,1,5059086.story?coll=la-news-science
Prenatal Risk Factors for Infantile Autism
The following study, "Prenatal risk factors for infantile autism", poses an interesting correlation between infantile autism and intrauterine growth restriction. Reuter's article begins, "Intrauterine and neonatal factors related to restricted intrauterine growth or fetal distress may be associated with the development of autism, according to a report in the July issue of Epidemiology.
In a case-control study nested within a population-based cohort, Dr. Christina M. Hultman, of the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, and colleagues examined various maternal characteristics and pregnancy outcomes among 408 children diagnosed with infantile autism before 10 years of age and 2040 matched controls." And concludes with . "Although several of the reported associations could be a function of genetic risk in the fetus, several of the findings are consistent with nongenetic environmental mediation of risks." (Read the complete article)
The chiropractic correlation here comes in the conclusion drawn by the authors: "Our findings suggest that intrauterine and neonatal factors related to deviant intrauterine growth or fetal distress are important in the pathogenesis of autism."
Intrauterine constraint can lead to deviant growth and fetal distress. 1,2 This new study isjust one more reason why removing constraint to the woman's uterus throughout pregnancy leads to easier, safer births for both the mother and baby.
Specific chiropractic care balances pelvic muscles and ligaments and removes constraint to the woman's uterus. 3 When we understand the physiological relationship between the woman's uterus and the developing baby, it is clear to see that specific chiropractic adjustments throughout pregnancy can decrease the potential of deviant intrauterine growth and/ or fetal distress. 4
1.Hellstrom B, Sallmander U "Prevention of Spinal Cord Injury in Hyperextension of the Fetal Head" JAMA 1968; 204(12): 1041-4
4.Chiropractic Care in Pregnancy for Safer, Easier Births
Umbilical Cord Clamping a Cause of Autism?
This particular study examines the potential relationship between early cord clamping, infant asphyxia and autism. It summarizes: Brain lesions are associated with autism and related disorders[1]. Hypoxic brain lesions in monkeys are associated with intelligence/memory defects similar to autism. [2] Immediate cord clamping causes newborn hypoxia. Placental oxygenation until the lungs are functioning prevents newborn hypoxia. Placental oxygenation until the lungs are functioning should prevent autism that is caused by hypoxic brain lesions.
Read the article at:
Check out this compilation of additional resources on the subject by the same author:
Send your patients to: so they can download additional info and present documentation to their birth care providers.
More Resources:
Research on Autism and Chiropractic
Center for the Study of Autism
The Autism Autoimmunity Project
Families for Early Autism Treatment
Articles in Mothering Magazine
Vaccine-Autism Link
Over the past several years, parents have been hearing about the possible link between mercury in vaccines and its potential cause of autism. Studies have been published on either side of the fence , however the most recent published research is swaying the controversy back to the probable side.
Here is a highlighted timeline of this controversy::
Andrew Wakefield and the Autism Link:
In 1998, Dr. Andrew Wakefield first published a paper in the Lancet associating the MMR vaccine to autism.
Wakefield resigns:
Scorned and rebutted by his peers, Dr. Wakefield did not give up his search for truth and real science. Read about his struggles here: and and
Wakefield disputes study in NEJM:
In November 2002, the New England Joural of Medicine published a study to rebut Wakefield's findings about the MMR Vaccine/ Autism link.
Dr. Andrew Wakefield had this to say about their findings:
February 2004:
CDC Vaccine Data Leads Scientists to Shocking Discovery.
Parents Show Increasing Concern about Autism and Vaccines
More parents refusing to get kids vaccinated. Physicians are increasingly confronting parents who are concerned about the safety of childhood immunizations.
May 2004:
Immunization Safety Review: Vaccines and Autism
The committee concludes that the body of epidemiological evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism. The committee also concludes that the body of epidemiological evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship between thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism. The committee further finds that potential biological mechanisms for vaccine-induced autism that have been generated to date are theoretical only.
National Vaccine Information Center Comments on Review:
June 2004: New Study Supports Possible Link Between MMR Vaccine and Autism
The newest research on the vaccine-autism relationship has just come out showing a link between mercury in vaccines and autism when there is genetic predisposition.The measles virus was detected in spinal fluid of children with autism, but not in controls.The findings challenge the results of several large studies on autism and bolster the fears of parents who have long believed their children were harmed by the vaccines.
For a recent TV News clip on the vaccine issue visit:
Clips on the right hand side of the page
Resources on Mercury in Vaccines:
For additional articles on autism visit:
For information on vaccines visit:
For information on chiropractic and autism visit:
Visit this site for clips from the Autism Conference:
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Dualism : contends you must have both of the two components in question, rather than one or the other. In contrast to dualism two other philosophical positions concerned with the number of substances: monism and pluralism. Monism is the view that there is one elemental whereas pluralism maintains that there are many things which constitute the world.
A major problem faced by dualists is the inability to resolve the rift created between the two opposing elements. Typically the motivation for resolving conflicts between these two realms is to make the world more understandable. For instance, how is the interaction between mind and body explained? Descartes, for example, claimed that the pineal gland is the point of contact between the bodily and spiritual realm. The inability to rectify these two realms has inclined some to adopt monism. Modern Allopathic/ Traditional/Orthodox Science, for example, offers a monistic account of reality (physicalism), which eliminates the mental altogether, removes any problems of relatedness between mind and body by eliminating the spiritual all together. Mental events are reduced to brain states, thus leaving only the bodily realm, thus monism.
Epiphenomenalism : The accepted extension of the allopathic, reductionist, mechanistic view of the mind/body concept. Epiphenomenalism contends there is only a one-way causal connection from the body to the mind, but none from the mind to the body. According to this idea, Consciousness is just a byproduct of the body, much like smoke from a steam engine train. Thus all value and attention is focused of the “chemical” physical processes of the body and thus; the mind, soul, spirit and “consciousness”, “Individual Human Awareness” of the patient is cheaped or minimized.
Pleomorphism : microbial genera and species are not fixed and rely on he host’s environment to determine it’s form and malevolence. A paradigm in which the host organism or patient was an active participant in infection and disease - in contrast to Koch and Pasteur and the monomorphists who held the microbe to be all-powerful, the host organism a passive victim. Pleomorphism means downgrading the microbe, since the host, by resisting the latter's onslaught, could alter its characteristics and make it return to a normal form as again. The patient has control over the bacteria, not the other way around. The microbes are the result, not the cause of disease
Monomorphism - a dogma meaning again that microbial genera and species are fixed and eternal, that the form of each microorganism associated with a specific disease always stays the same and always causes that same disease.
"Accepting Pleomorphism meant acknowledging the host organism's, the patient's capacity to defend itself (him or her) against, and dominate, the microbe.
Monomorphism, on the contrary, enhanced the role of the microbe in disease, and consequently that of the physician who combats the microbe. This is the principal reason for the instinctive hostility of the majority of physicians to Pleomorphism and Holistic/Alternative Medicine in general."( Divided Legacy, Harris Counter . pg. 39)
Pleomorphism was a great threat to this "control" factor. This control factor means;
"control of the disease with poisons that need monitored and controlled, controlling therefore, the patient and their pocket book."(Ibid, pg.39)
The phenomena of life are forced into categories (disciples; i.e., cardiology, oncology, EENT, etc.), which can be manipulated to make a living from the practice of allopathic medicine. The monomorphists have identified their doctrine with science itself, as science itself, that Monomorphism is a law of nature, which it is not. This viewpoint has, through the years, taken on such an aspect of truth that to question it now seems a scientific sacrilege.
The followers of Koch proclaimed Monomorphism with 'religious fanaticism', stated Max Gruber in 1885. F. Loehnis stated in 1922 that the intransigence and verbal violence displayed by the various factions in this conflict resembled certain historic theological quarrels.